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Moroccan Recipes
19 September 2007 11:09
Assalaam 'alaikum,

I need some Moroccan recipes in english (especially for : Shabakiya, Msamman, Harira, Baghrir, and the other delicious meals. Can anyone give me a site where I can find these recipes. Thanks a lot.

Ramadan Muabarak again
19 September 2007 11:14

I don't know websites that publish Moroccan recipes in English but i can give you some of my own recipes if you want. I just need to find some time to write them down and i'll post them smiling smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
19 September 2007 11:53
too kind of you. I'll be happy to get your recipes.
19 September 2007 16:19

I volunteer to sample them once they made !
19 September 2007 16:51
utopia7, you got a bit of challenge in your hands now! I'll try and send you easy recipes (tm)
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
19 September 2007 18:00
If you want you can check choumicha's web site she has some great receipes
19 September 2007 18:25
20 September 2007 12:15
utopia7, you got a bit of challenge in your hands now! I'll try and send you easy recipes (tm)

Cooking doesn't figure on on my list of favorite hobbies, but I'm just trying to make some ads for Moroccan culinary art.. And for challenge, I think my future wife can play this role on my behalf. lol

Are u a good cook sister ?

thanks to all for the help.
atlasmagic : u have first to check if the cook is skilful, if not relishing samples wont be a pleasure lol

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/20/2007 12:19 by utopia7.
2 November 2007 16:14

Sister Minniemouse, You haven't suggest any of your recipes. You forgot ?
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