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Moroccans' view on health and illness?
19 October 2005 13:05
I wonder what the view in Morocco is on health and illness?

What does people in general in Morocco think about health and illnesses? What do they think about people that are sick? Is health important for them? Do they do anything to keep their health? Are they aware of what is damaging to their health? Does their belief on jinns and the evil eye anything to do with what they think about illnesses? Etc etc etc.

This is for a school project so I will be greatful for any comments you have on this, because I don't know the Moroccan way of thinking about these subjects. And I haven't found anything on internet or in books that has anything to do with this question. So thank you! Choukran!
19 October 2005 16:24
I guess Moroccan like other do think about health and illness, question is do they do any thing about it??

if we are talking about MOROCCAN in the country side because of lake og knowledge pouverty people still believe in the "Magic Man". the personne that can fixe them something to ovoid harm and sickeness to come to them.

In town specialy educated Moroccan does lives like european do go to doctors get traitement for different virus they get, or even take healthy food to avoid getting big or even sick.

cause og the health system is not free that make moroccan generaly do not visit doctor that oven, people just live by the wish not to get sick.
if they do, moste people take alternativ traitement, like stomec problem take Kommen, the flue thé with citron or ginger.. medecin based on naturel product.
some use the pharmacie medicin like aspirin for headache, flue, fieber..everything, they believe Aspirin is for any sickeness.

major maroccan sickeness is Blood pression and hearth problem and sucre livel..

i hope that could help you, but i hope too others will correct me if i am wrong og miss explain something..

good luck with you project

19 October 2005 18:52
some links here:

1. []
2. Akhmisse, Mustapha (1985) Medecine, Magie et Sorcellerie au Maroc. Casablanca. 253 pp.
3. []
4. []

I think you can find a lot more links by using any search motor: traditional medicine in morocco or health in morocco aso...

Maybe you also can look in some antropology books!


Good luck!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/20/2005 12:05 by pazimodo.
20 October 2005 21:03
salam Wictoria

I don't speak (and write) english but I understand it quite well and I will try to answer you.
I go to Morrocco every year and i noticed that people when they are ill dont go automatically to the doctor. They choice to go to people who make natural medecines most of the time they are old people.
But I don't say that they do that all the time because the doctor is also very important and people take care of his advice.
In Morrocco I live in the south and Hospitals are very far so it's easier in a way for people to go to the "guerrisseur".
They also do something that affraid me however it is efficient: they burn themselves with a quobrit it's like a litte piece of coal.
21 October 2005 15:23
Whilst you are on the subject of healthcare in Morocco - I was wondering how much it might cost for private health insurance over there for a retired Europeen couple? We have a French Carte Vitale, but I don't think that would cover us if resident in Morocco for, say, 6 months of the year? Thanks.
21 October 2005 23:37
In Morocco there´s health insurance, but insurance company doesn´t work that fast as in europe, they may never be there when you need them, then you will fell sad that you have pay and relay on them. so the bedste way is when you are there is to use privat docter, they does not cost that much, visiting a specialdoctor, will cost around 300 to 400 dh. that means between 30 to 40 euro.

but you can ask about if your insurance from france will cover in morocco other ways you can get a traveling insurance normaly that last 90 days so you can renew it when u are in morocco.

good luck aziz_dk

28 October 2005 09:53
We have previously asked CPAM in France, who tell us that we would have to pay for any health treatment whilst in Morocco, then claim it back on our return to France. Our concern is, what if we are resident in Morocco? We understand that we can visit doctors or consultants privately at very reasonable cost, but what about if a serious illness crops up, or, for example, a road traffic accident requiring hospitalisation? I do not think a travel insurance policy will cover if one is resident in Morocco.
2 November 2005 14:49
salut aziz_dk est ce que tu habite à Londres
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