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Moroccans Not Accepted
4 February 2008 15:31

I came across this message while trying to bool a flight to Agadir on []

your comments please
4 February 2008 15:46
what's new? moody smiley
it's a free world get on with your life and stop moaning like an old lady,people are denied life let alone stupid flights for ponces like youNo no

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2008 03:50 by Rachidhino.
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
4 February 2008 21:58

Listen to what you are saying first ,i was asking for comments so no need to lower the tone here if you like it good for you you deserve it i will say
You think using languages like this will get you far here ,you better think again try it on the french side you will get someone who will take the bait !!!!!!
8 February 2008 11:46
Hi Atlas

I haven't been here for a while and i'm noticing that some "minor" things have not changed, People think that just because they are hiding behind their computers they can disrespect other members as they want, and it comes from people who are supposed to be adult and supposed to communicate in a foreign language...but it seems to me it is the same retort you get from any street "fellow" morrocan in moroccan arabic, but here said in english (sorry not meaning to hurt).. meaning without trying to follow a logical thread and simply answering a question and enriching a conversation, no offense..
8 February 2008 12:34
Hey Atlas,

I agree with Hicham...crackbrained and stupid people do exist and will always do i'm afraid, so the best way is to be above it and ignore them...

To come back to the subject, which airline company was that? and is the flight to Morocco from the UK? that would be truly outrageous!!
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
8 February 2008 13:47
It must be a bright idea of our not so bright government.
they encourage these low cost flights to attract tourists but they don't want Moroccans who go to Morocco anyway to use them. They want us to use La RAM to keep it going.

Shameful but not really surprised.
8 February 2008 16:31
Hicham & Minniemouse

I'am not surprised that some people are lowering the tone ,but i have being around to know how to handle them ,i just want to make it clair that its no need to go so low
Its for flights from Gatwick to Agadir with Thomstonfly
10 February 2008 01:03
Hi Atlas, I never flew with thomsonfly but you're right, a friend of mine just confirmed the same thing to me about this story! mind you i would blame the Moroccans in charge who allow tourists to come for free and force moroccan citizens to fly with expensive airline companies such as la RAM. Disgraceful to say the least but as felfela said hardly surprising...

Coming back to your subject of travelling, did you manage to find a decent flight at the end? I'm looking myself for a low cost flight in March to Casablanca or Marrakech from London but prices are quite expensive. Any ideas?
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
10 February 2008 15:19
Hi Minniemouse,

For your trip in March, you might want to take a look at Atlas Blue, they have a flight from London Gatwick to Marrakech, I've just entered random dates for March, it displayed flights as low as 30 €.

10 February 2008 15:54
Hi Minniemouse

Yes its the Moroccan who asked for the restrictions ,who sell us cheap than our own !
Anyway we have ourselves to blame too as take it laying down .....& keep letting them get away with it ...

As per chelhman atlas-blue or Easyjet is still good for March (125 Pounds all in )but do book early & avoid school holidays
10 February 2008 16:16
Chelhman and Atlas, thanks for your help, it's very kind of you.
I did check both sites and Easyjet are cheaper but Atlas Blue have better times for going from Gatwick..i'll make up my mind tomorrow smiling smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
11 February 2008 00:41
Salam all,

guys that has nothing to do with discrimination….I’m working in the tourism area and this kind of marketing strategy is good for our country to attract more tourists….because our major benefits are not in transport or accommodation within a package ( their money goes mainly to European tour operators in Europe) but in spending money while visiting the country….so the idea is if the tourist gets a cheap flight he will need accommodation, excursions….sport activities… transport between cities…food ….souvenirs…ect. which he will buy in Morocco…this gets the country a considerable income in foreign currency ….jobs…infrastructures …ect …..Moroccans come usually to visit the family …this sort of flight will not be beneficial with this target group…
11 February 2008 12:00

Thank you for the explanations , but as all know Morocco is being sold for €199 to the French & i have seing them exchanging €60 in dhs & asking if they had in dhs left whould they be able to get € !
I laso know of people from Casa who wont bother to head to Marrakech with less dans 6000 Dhs for a week end !
Days when Moroccans where not spending money are long gone , if we look around we see who the big spender are ,tips .....but as always a € from a foreigner is worth spending €10 over & a €100 from a local is looked down on ....
We have a lot to lean in tourism when we give a french company to do marketing for us in the UK !!! i rest my case !
I dream of a day when Morroccans take their faces from the French u...... & start thinking .....
11 February 2008 12:47
Hi Ilhem2, with all respect but i disagree with you on this. No matter what policies they choose in tourism and how desperate they are to get in tourists, Moroccans remain and will always be the biggest spenders and not during a 1 week holiday but all year along. So if anyone should benefit from low cost airlines, it's us. Take Tunisia, they started the low cost flights policy years ago and yet, we never heard of Tunisiens being excluded from flights as if they had the plague! I had tunisian collegues who used to go home 3 and 4 times a year because flights were cheap, and they didn't just go to visit their families but did also tourism, checked in hotels and spent money buying food and presents, so the argument of tourists spending more is not valid i'm afraid. This is not just discrimination, this is the sign of a huge luck of judgement and poor insight. I'd personally be mortified if i had to tell this story to a foreigner. What next? Moroccans banned from visiting touristic sites or eating in Moroccan restaurants?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/11/2008 12:52 by Minniemouse.
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
11 February 2008 12:50
Chelhman and Atlas, thanks for your help, it's very kind of you.
I did check both sites and Easyjet are cheaper but Atlas Blue have better times for going from Gatwick..i'll make up my mind tomorrow smiling smiley

Dont forget la RAM and BA.

2 weeks ago I paid 800 DH for a direct flight from casablanca to london, unbeatable.
11 February 2008 12:58
Felfela, I tried both and the cheapest flight was £70 more expensive than easyjet...

You hav to book really early with these guys to get good deals. I'm looking to travel in the next couple of weeks.
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
11 February 2008 13:35
Felfela, I tried both and the cheapest flight was £70 more expensive than easyjet...

You hav to book really early with these guys to get good deals. I'm looking to travel in the next couple of weeks.

What you can do is fly with easyjet to go there and come back with BA. I have just checked, you can still book a single flight from casablanca to London for 800DH.

For some reason, BA flights from London to casablanca are very expensive, but very cheap the other way round.
11 February 2008 14:57
Just checked that and you're right!! that's fantastic, i might just do that at the end.

Thanks so much for your help smiling smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
12 February 2008 15:24
ana 3ajab nai had la m ouchraka Clap bezaf o ana barit dwazouli wahd dc 3aziz 3aliya dyali

h-kayn cambou
wachouk ran 3ala had chi
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