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Moroccans Clash with Polisario in washington
16 November 2008 05:40
Moroccans Clash with Polisario in washington

check the video at

16 November 2008 16:24
That man was impressive, a moroccan in the purest of traditions, he kept saying "mar7aba" over and over again, the open arms policy, hard to be hostile in front of a man who wants to share his home with you.
The women in the video are pathetic, almost endearing, fighting a war that has ended a long time ago, they're being manipulated by a hand that cares nothing for them and see them as a means to an end.
The sa7ra IS moroccan and when you go there, which I would encourage people to do to see for themselves, it's pretty obvious.
16 November 2008 16:46
Yes, He was very calm, I liked it when he asked her her to show him her passport, without the Moroccan passport she could have still been milking camels.
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17 November 2008 11:15
Top guy very calm & to the point ,a true Moroccan "savoir faire " i wish un diplomats could take notice
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