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Moroccans in the land of apartheid
29 July 2008 13:30
I saw this video about Moroccan Immigrants in South Africa listen to the way the Moroccan shop keeper introduced/mocked his customer to the camera and hear the laughing behind, also the way he spoke to a lady on the same clip and her look after he addressed her"thanks mama". Are we this bad really?
29 July 2008 13:56

Are we this bad really?

Unfortunately yes, look at the "colorful" vocabulary we have in darija to describe a black man : 3azi, 3azwa, drawi, 7ârtâni, ka7louch...etc
It's an education problem as always and there's also a historical reason, remember slavery was common in Morocco, so it's not a stretch to understand why some Moroccans still behave that way.
29 July 2008 18:51
south Africa is one of my favor country to visite.
30 July 2008 10:52
we are not bad, not racist and we have a good education. but the problem is we have the bad habits.
30 July 2008 12:24
I believe we are racist & we also stereotype a lots & have a preconcived ideas about most people : ie Eastern europena ,Africans ...even within Morocco you find most people will have a stereotype for a Casawi , Marakchi ....& unless we admit it we wont be able to fix this huge problem
30 July 2008 15:42
Deep inside we are not racist, although our culture, ignorance, jokes etc have promoted certain racist comments. For years no one commented about racism, injustice, or discrimination in our country, as a matter a fact no one ever commented about anything all together. The real Islamic culture does not accept any kind of discrimination between humans (but that is another subject).
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
30 July 2008 22:53
thanks mama = chokran alwalida

nothing bad in there

well go to an american documentary about the 7 eleven stores .. same thing over there .. but they dont go and ridiculize themselves
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
31 July 2008 12:04
well we all know that coloured, people from rural areas ,Moroccans living abroad are descriminated againt every day + the African students & the african immigrants + +
31 July 2008 20:29
We have to look at different issues more serious than the jokes of the shop keeper: Belong and the three way death and rejection.
We all left our homes just in search of food and a bit of freedom isn’t that alone sad? Further more we are expected to go back home as a rule (the Algerian statement about the bird). We were young, enthusiastic and obliged to leave in the first instance because of specific circumstances that didn’t welcome us to our society. We moved away to new lands we had difficulties in integrating and surviving but that was ok we mange after all. Just as we are settling down and building a nest; it is a rule to go back to the original environment that rejected us in the first place.
We go back for what? We are old, grey hair, wrinkly and knackered, we have been away too long the society will reject us again. We will be foreigners at home.
This reminds me of a film of Akira Kurosawa called “Dersu Uzala”
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
2 August 2008 11:58
Salam Gentlemen,

Adds, the question of going back home and being foreigners at home depends on how you deal with it, i am a living example as i came back few months ago and uptill now things are ok, perhaps i am not representative of all expatriates as i 've stayed not too long away besides the fat that i kept moving from place to another...

As far as what you guys have mentioned about us moroccans, i assume that all these failings are human and can be explained psychologically, all these mechanisms that flatter our egos and serve to differentiate us from others and to present ourselves as "special", we can't extrapolate and say we are racists, it is a bit exagerating...

We also are supposed to be muslims, and Islam as a reference deals with all this issues starting from realizing the Ego (nafss) inclination towards all what is vile...

"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
6 August 2008 17:04

This guy is not only racist but also coward and ignorant.
Coward because he mocked the South African in the language that he ignores. He wasn’t courageous to utter these irresponsible words in English because he knows that his fate would be the graveyard.
Ignorant because he doesn’t know that we as Moroccan need to work for 10 years with 6% economic growth each year to catch up with South Africans. South Africa now is among the new industrialized countries and will join the world of developed countries soon if they keep their economic growth at the actual rate. So who should mock and make fun of the other then ???
6 August 2008 18:26
Right on the money and exactly the way I saw it, thanks Kamal a

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/06/2008 06:27 by bikhor.
7 August 2008 16:55
salam Bikhor,

your welcome friend.
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