I understand !Quote
I will like to know how moroccan people live in UK and Ireland ??? it's the best that france or not
I hope you have been joking!! you mean it frnace is better then the UK ???? come on what standard are you talking about??? arabs live like shit (at least most) in France, they dont even get jobs...don't you talk to me please about people who are exceptions but really you think that Frnace offers a good life standard compared to the UK...dahektene a zine!!!
compensation, le chomage qui fait vivre les gens ds les cages des banlieux cest de cela que tu parle???
l'allocation familial le plus tu as des enfants le plus on te donne de largent pour acheter des couche??? nimporte quoi...au moin en angleterre ya pas de discrimination question boulot!
salam oulmara jaya pounkette tkayess rah lhadra bla dalel ma3andha me3na...kon wa3e chweya surtous qd tu veux donner des conseils ne dis pas nimporte quoi aux gens..
and by the way..you don't know anything about the social system in the UK, even if Im the type of preferes to think : rabe khala9ane wa a3tanme 3a9lan...bach ngad 7yate ...pas avec ces compoensation...arrettez de mondieeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr