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Moroccans rejected Makhzen
19 September 2007 16:14
They were only 20% to have bothered to cast their votes to Makhzenian politic parties. Others took it away to beaches, fields, fishing and shoping.
THe outcome of these election is an Alert to Mkhaznian regime and those who profit from its largesses.
We fear an outrage of suicide bombings targeting vital interests of the country. It is certain that radical islmists and Berber militants will occupy the political empty field for the nexte coming years.
19 September 2007 17:23
Hi Arhal,

I don't think there's an empty field, there's a tendancy to import conflicts. Radical islam is not endogenous to our culture for instance, that's why it has a hard time taking root in the general population. As for berberism, we may have a problem in the way the culture has been obliterated in the history books in the past but things are changing, an imported model of confrontation isn't the answer. Berberists usually take after the demands of our Algerian neighbours, we don't have the same history, their confrontational stance isn't justified in our country, well...not anymore.
I've spent most of the summer in the Souss region, shopkeepers for instance have their boards written in tifinagh and french, they've taken off arabic all together. I didn't see any cops or any representative from the Makhzen, as you call it, tear down the boards.
Tifinagh is now being taught in schools, Itissalat al maghrib (Maroc Telecom) is even advertising in tifinagh in Agadir, they're even selling a mobile phone in tifinagh...etc
So you see, things are changing in that regard.

If people didn't bother to vote, it's due in my opinion to the way political parties behaved. The issues weren't adressed during the campaign, no program was forwarded, let alone debated. The campaign was an insult to the intelligence, I've heard some moronic candidates promise to repair roads to villagers, it is not in their jurisdictional field, this was a legislative campaign, they're elected to debate laws not to build roads.
21 September 2007 02:57
And Here you go, Abass Fassi prime minister. Berbers will start to revolt and riot
We will have fun
21 September 2007 13:30
Arhal, in case my alias didn't give you a clue yet, I'm berber, and I'm in no mood to revolt or riot.
Tell me why I should. What precisely is so bad that we'd want to risk sinking in a regional mayhem ?
Don't hold back, go nuts...
21 September 2007 15:34
I will riot to get my mother tongue taught at schools, my language raised to official language in the constitution and establishment of a TV media in my mother tongue. I will riot to honor the legacy of my berber ancestors in their land the great Tamazgha. I will riot to stop criminal policy of arbization that left millions of berbers identityless. I will riot to halte makhzenian corrupted regime in preforming its evil policy. I will riot to declare war against the General Regime-backed corruption that left millions in extreme poverty and pushes hundreds of thousands of our girls to prostitution.
I will riot to establish a democratic society where people is sovreign and King just reigning and withdrawing from doing politics. I am a native-moroccan citizen and I pay taxes, I will riot to recover my rights and have democracy prevail. I am not begging charity
21 September 2007 16:35
Arhal, let me guess, you're from the Rifsmiling smiley
The language is already taught in schools, there is already a TV media in soussia, zayane and tarifit and there's a tv channel in the making dedicated to Imazighen in general.
Granted, I would also like to see the berber language in the Constitution, but, like I said, a confrontational stance isn't going to help.
The rest of your demands are social demands and therefore concern all Moroccans.

Besides, let's be pragmatical here : a cultural acknowledgment is fine but that's as far as I would take it, if you go too far you'll have every group wanting its autonomy, you're treading on very dangerous grounds there. Think of Belgium and its regionalistic quagmire, it's about to split all together because of Flemish extremism.
Our country's uniqueness and status is in its multicultural patchwork, you touch that and we're just another former Yugoslavia with every ethnic group at each other's throat.
Think about it.
22 September 2007 20:57
I am no Rifi, I am a pure middle-Atlas guy.

Are you kidding!!! Berber taught at school!!! are you moroccan? aren't you?
Berber in TV!! Let me laugh!! just a curiosity for Fassies and tourists for it's always folkloric and of very bad quality.
Berber TV you said!! It was scheduled for April 2006, We are Sptember 2007 and nothing is executed.
We Have 6 Arab TV channels and Sahrawis of Layoun who count no more than 150000 people have their own channel. TVM, 2M, Almghrebia, Arbaiya, TVML, Assadissa, alla arab channels.

We true inhabitant of this happy land haven't even the right to baptize our children with the names of our choosing!!!
22 September 2007 21:36
Dear Chelhman
I think in Morocco, we have a large gap between our politicians and the disconnected illeterate masses. The fact that 33 partis were enginneered or allowed to be enginneered in a short time is suspicious. This strategy is very efficient to avoid the emergence of a strong political force. I think normal moroccan citizens miss seriousness when watching the birth of many partis making the political sceene look like a bazar. I think even the PJD is part of the game.
22 September 2007 21:50
HI All,

I vowed not to talk about this here again, because we did so to no avail...but it seems we have to talk till we get it!
Arhal: It seems to me you're stalling the converstaion and enjoying the rhetoric more than "seeing" reality! The teaching of Tifinagh is in its 6th year for starters, the concerts and private organizations promoting all facets of the Moroccan culture- Amazigh included- are a GO GO!

The Kind of Language and message you're sending is not and will not help- US! By US, I mean MOROCCANS and that includes, Everybody. Being a "Pure" from the middle Atlas...You should Know, that the Amazigh issue- is a PURELY MOROCCAN ONE! Nobody owns the discourse no matter how you like to think, being "PURE"!

Think about that! What happens, when You get what you think you want??? Let me guess: Alienate...THe RIFI, THE Sahraoui, The SOUSSI...and preach supremacy to the "PURE" middle Atlas ilk! HOw do you determine being "PURE"...I know "ppl" non-moroccans who speak your Dialect better than you think... Would they be pure Berbers? They know your customs better than you do, they preach Berberdom more than you do...some of them are Romantics and they rest are interested in stirring all kinds of trouble in the area...Get real and advance your Heritage by being rational: Working withing a Framework that's already there- Monopolized by LMAKHZEN It's True- but Recognized as a FRAMEWORK!

Think about what you're saying and don't mix Shaaban and Ramdan! The Arabic you're alienating might be your very Tool that proves your "PURITY" if used it wisely!

THe Algerian Experience is one extreme and the Libyan one is really Sad- and Funny as well, given the fact that it's Kaddafi who theorizes the whole thing! Check out his latest views on "Berbers"....HE CLAIMS BERBERS ARE ARABS AND DISMISSES THE LITTLE TRIBES THAT STILL EXIST NOW...I am not just coughing air here, these are dangerous tactics that give no room for a Berber- no matter how PURE_ to operate!

Don't worry about responding to Kaddafi because the Belkassen already did! THIS MATTER was also discussed recently ( THIS SUMMER) in the International Amazigh congress in Nador- In the RIf area FYI!

So there are RIOTS but not the ones you're talking about: A CONFERENCE, CONCERT, An ART Eexhibit...these are the real means and effective styles of Riots! Use the little sumbolic power you have to serve your case not the opposite!

P.S: If you go looking into my being Arab or berber or whatever "ists" there are, you're missing the point.
Good day!
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