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Moroccans in Scotland
10 January 2008 18:24
I just settled in Scotland my wife, 3years old son and I, and would like to meet moroccans living in Edinburgh area. I moved from Toulouse France to Edinburgh (very big change!!!)

should you need to contact me in private please email me at [email protected].

hope many moroccans would show up.

Have a nice day
11 January 2008 21:17
I think that you an ur family are the only Moroccans in Scotland.
11 January 2008 23:18
I'm not the lukiest guy. Checked out over the web the two moroccan restaurants; Walima Moroccan, and Fez restaurant in Edinburgh, nor of it is answering calls. Looks like that they went bankrupt!!!
Though they show on the web all sort of belly dancers, the bosses seems to have flee to Marrakech with a case of pounds!!!!! I could understand them somewhat, the wether is so freezing here!!!
12 January 2008 00:00
There used to be a Bed and Breakfast? in Edinburgh called "Marackech" in 1986. I don't know if it is still open
15 January 2008 22:30
Edinburgh is a lovely place
good luck

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25 January 2008 03:50
There is also an Edingsburg, Indiana aux ëtats Unis. Je doute que tu veux dire une petite vbille qui n'a quún marché au puce au états Unis d'interesse.
28 January 2008 16:26
Don't you have the English Tongue as my mama says? we don't have the fronch one over this side

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