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Morocco drives out its Berbers, then spies on them
21 September 2008 18:14
Morocco drives out its Berbers, then spies on them

By Mohamed Amezian and Nicolien den Boer*


The Moroccan Secret Service's attempts to recruit spies in the Netherlands has angered the Dutch government. And in Morocco, the espionage affair has provoked heated discussion. It seems that Morocco feels threatened by the Berber population living abroad and wants to monitor the life of its second-class citizens in foreign countries. Most of the Moroccans living in the Netherlands are Berbers from the Rif region.

The furore erupted after the dismissal of the Rotterdam police officer, Re Lemhaouli, following allegations that the policeman had been passing information to the Moroccan Secret Service via the embassy in The Hague. The Dutch government protested to the Moroccan Embassy. This week, the Dutch current affairs TV programme NOVA revealed that Rabat had recalled two its diplomats two months ago, after receiving the complaints about the alleged espionage. Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen has made it very clear that he does not appreciate Morocco's interference in internal Dutch affairs. The Dutch parliament is to hold an emergency debate on the affair next week.

Activity well-known
It has since transpired that the Rotterdam police officer is not the only person to have been approached. Fouad el Haji, a Labour local councillor, claims that he was also contacted, "just like a former Dutch MP of Moroccan origin." Mr el Haji was apparently referring to former Socialist Party MP Ali Lazrak, who denies having been approached himself, adding that "it was well known that the Moroccan Secret Service was active in the Netherlands" and that other prominent politicians of Moroccan origin were asked to lend their co-operation.

A colleague at Radio Netherlands Worldwide confirms that certain Dutch citizens of Moroccan origin are routinely approached by the secret service. "The Moroccan government approached me years ago, when I first came to live in the Netherlands," says the journalist and describes the way Rabat works as: "Scary. First, I got a call on behalf of the Moroccan ambassador asking if I wanted to help improve the image of Morocco here." The journalist declined, but was "accosted by the press attaché at a conference", though he was able to brush the embassy staff member aside. Afterwards the journalist was rung again, once at work and once at home.

Monitoring the Berbers
Two articles from the Arabic department of Radio Netherlands Worldwide, which were published word for word on Morocco's largest website Hespress, have received reactions from dozens of Moroccans living in various European cities and Morocco. Rabat wants to monitor the Berbers living in the Netherlands, is basically the gist of the commentaries. "What frightens Morocco is the fact that half a million Berbers Moroccans are living in the Netherlands. Amsterdam is the third largest Berber town after Nador and Al-Huceima," says one reaction. Another, written by someone who calls himself "the star of the Rif" says "The liberation of the Rif is taking place in Europe." An emigrant Berber writes: "First, this regime drove us out of our country, then they followed us here."

Language and culture
No less than three quarters of Moroccans in the Netherlands are of Berber origin. Ethnically, there is no difference between the Berbers and the Arab Moroccans; only language and culture divide the two groups. In the past, Berbers were treated as second-class citizens, but nowadays their language and culture are more recognised by Moroccan authorities. Arabic is still the official language of the country.

Mahjoub Benmoussa of Platform Foreigners Rijnmond, an association which assists integration into Dutch society, thinks the reason Rabat wants to keep tabs on Moroccans in the Netherlands is because they "can move freely in political, trade union and cultural circles here without being monitored. Their influence affects Morocco." Former chairman of the Dutch Cooperative of Morccans, Said Boudouft, believes that economic factors also play a role - a lot of money generated by Moroccans in Europe passes back into the Moroccan economy. Fear of "Islamic cells operating from Europe who have proven that they can strike within Morocco" is another factor.

Dutch Foreign Minister Verhagen has condemned the actions of the Moroccan Secret Service and says the Netherlands is "ill served by the vile practices". Next week's debate in parliament will no doubt lead to heated debate. Reacting to Moroccans who allow themselves to be influenced by Rabat, Conservative VVD MP Fred Teeven said: "They have two passports. If they think their future lies in Morocco, then they must clear off there as quickly as possible." And with incidents of Moroccan attempts at espionage also reported in France, Spain and Belgium, the heat from next week's debate in the Dutch parliament could be felt across Europe's political plains.
21 September 2008 19:15
I think this is an incendiary title that is not justified, the correct phrasing would have been "Morocco spies on Moroccans", what does their ethnic background has to do with this ?
The fact that northern Europe has drained mostly Moroccans from the Rif region is beside the point, it's completely coïncidental and has no bearing on the subject.
Moroccan intel monitors its citizens abroad ? So ? Maybe that has something to do with the fact that some of the funding for islamist activities comes from money collected from MREs or that the logistics of the previous bombing attempts came from MREs in Europe...etc

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/22/2008 12:50 by chelhman.
21 September 2008 22:06
This is not new that Morocco spices on Moroccans abroad being Arabs or Berbers ,Fassis or Ouajdis .....
since the days of "ila alamame" even before...Ben Barka ....
so if the cover is blown in Holland others are still in mosques in Paris ,Mardrid ,London ect ....& this is a known fact ... so as per Chelhman this does not have any ehnic background & should not be used as so
21 September 2008 23:14

Instead of wasting time and money sending clombos overseas, there is mcuh to do to help our immigrants have a better life in Europe..

Besides, this is the kind of articles adding fuel on fire... what arabs or berbers are these gentlemen talking about???
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
23 September 2008 11:04
This is not a proper declaration anyone can spread such nonsense on the web. Berbers generally speaking are hard working citizens; if this is true why 87% of Moroccan living in Holland is scrounging from the socials? Moroccan authorities have different way of tabbing their selected citizens all over the world. This is not the place to reveal such information and it’s not that important if they do.
As Moroccan, we all have Berber origins to some extent. Besides that there is no one purely Arab this subject is not healthy in Ramadan.yawning smiley
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
24 December 2008 19:12
Moroccans Beware!
This is a ploy by the goverment of the Netherlands to try to convince you that being Dutch is best. I am a Berber. Have been in Europe for the last 43 years, and have never been spied on by the agents of Morocco or by anyone else. I am proud of my background and my country. At the same time I am thankful to Britain for having given me the education and help in the time of need. I could not finish my education in Morocco because we have just had the independence and the Europeans left us nothing to keep us going. Adding to corruption and selfishness did not help to alleviate the want of leaving Morocco.

People keep blaming government after government, brothers, please check yourselves. Have you been straight? Do you know how to talk with respect? Do you know your rights? Morocco also has in the government those who listen. Write to Rabat. Believe me Alhamdulillah we have made some progress in human rights. Love one another. Stop this self destruction of some of the wonderful and gentle people in the world. Every European that I meet who has been to Morocco, always says that they will never forget Morocco or the Moroccans.
Europe has forgotten who has helped to build it after the WWII. Yes the Moroccans have helped Spain in Civil War and helped the Andalucian region to make it fertile in the last 4 decades. Moroccans have fought for the French in the WW2 and in Indochina. They have also worked in the mines in France when the French could not and would not do the job. Moroccans have built roards and houses in Spain, France, Belgium, Germany and lately Italy. If there some of them are now maintained by the system then the system must not complain because Moroccans have given a lot to it. Stand together and demand your rights. But you must do it with education and manners and avoiding as much as possible the result of violence. Remember the old saying, the pen is mighter than the sword. Be good Muslims and be just. Respect everyone and you will be respected in return. Carry your Islmic dignity with at all times and Allah will never let you down.
May Allah Bless you all.
Berber Moroccan and proud!
17 April 2009 13:46
je suis tout a fait d accord avec toi AMZIGH 01 , c est tres bien dit et j espere que ca servira de lecon pour certains thumbs down
Sorry i don t speak well english


is there any moroccans in Birmingham ? im planing my life here soon ...for the moment i live in France...
18 April 2009 11:41
Hi simsim59!

Thanks for your comment. I understood very well as i can understand French but not very good at writing it.

As for Moroccans in Birmingham, yes there is Moroccans in the city. The city of Birmingham is very big and it is the second most populated city after London so I am sure there is quite a lot of Moroccans.

The people of Birmingham are also quite nice anI am sure you would like it.

Take care et a bientout!

18 April 2009 13:37
The moroccan gvt needs to wake up before it's too late. One of these days, it's gonna blow up on there faces and then they will understand.
Opression does not last forever, it's only a matter of time before people explode and say enough is enough..
18 April 2009 14:17
Hi FreeThinker!

Morocco has waken up and it is the freest country in North Africa. Ask the North Africans and the Moroccans who have been there recently!
Come on! They are trying.
Alhamdulillah it is no longer a police state. Corruption has come down tremendously. Ask the foreign investors. No longer they make the excuse for the mysterious charges. The only charges that are paid for are the ones that were prescribed by the elected government. Read your constitution and argue by it.

Take care and stick to the facts!

Stock knocking your country and mine!
18 April 2009 14:47
Azul Amazigh01
just because the person sitting next to you in class is stupid and his grades are low don't pretend to be so smart cause your grades are better than his.
Moroccans are not even allowed to learn the language of their ancesters, they are not even allowed to name their kids Moroccan names that existed for more than 10,000 years..
you call that progress?
what contitution are you talking about?
it was written by them for them while 99% of the others starve and can go to hell for all they care as long as the elite's kids get to have their Frensh Toast for breakfast, French Fries with their lunch, and French i don't know what for dinner.
while our kids grow up on khobz et zite.
you got the hint, it will blow up, it's just a matter of time.
19 April 2009 16:55
Hi FreeThinker!

I do not know if you follow the latest news about Morocco but it is worthwile for you to update yourself.

Most of the comments I've made they are not secret and are available if you search. You only have to Google things and you,ll find your answer.

As for the language of our ancestors, you are right. In the old days we had no facilities to study it or even hear it on the radio. But have you noticed that it has been on the television for more than 8 years. You can even study it at schools and univirsities. There is even classes given weekly on 2M.
Check it out!
22 April 2009 22:04
merci Amazigh01 pour ta reponse , j éspère trouver de bon amis la bas inchalah !

take care smiling smiley
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