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Morocco Festival Marseille
18 February 2010 12:22
Does somebody know what the site is of the Morocco festival on 12th till 14th March in Marseille??

7 March 2010 00:43

I've been searching for the same answer and joined this forum to see if there was any luck?
it was advertised on 2m but that webpage is useless lol!
Did you manage to find out?

take care
7 March 2010 13:22
Hi there
I was looking too but I don't think there is one only of the companies organising it. It is not meant to cheer the Moroccan in France but to lead them to buy and invest in the propriety market. It’s not quiet a festival, yes there will be a free entry to the evening do, they haven’t said it is a free entry to the exhibition. I wouldn’t mind paying if only I knew how much and exactly what’s going on there.

Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
7 March 2010 19:50

exactly my point no information about it at all......i mean i live in london and was going to go just for the event but dont no what to do now!!!

anyways ill keep a look out if i see or hear anything ill let you both know

take care
12 March 2010 13:09
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