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Morocco .. Land of Thieves
11 April 2006 02:08
Morocco .. Land of Thieves

This is a small part of the amounts of money that have been stolen in Morocco from public organizations in the past decades:

- CIH Bank (credit immobilers) : 8 billion dirhams ($ 750 million)
- Credit Agricole Bank: 846 Million Dirhams
- Banque populaire: 30 million dirhams

and those 7 robberies are recognized by the Moroccan state to be happened:

1- Caisse national de la securité sociale (CNSS): 115 Billion Dirhams = 11 Billion US Dollars

2- Cherifian Bureau of Phosphate: 10 billion dirhams = 1 billion US Dollars

3- COMANAV (Maritime transport) : 400 million Dirhams

4- National Bureau of Transport: 20 million dirhams

5- Royal Air Maroc (RAM) : 10 million dirhams (stolen by a former director himself)

6- Bureau of profession and training: 70 million dirhams

7- Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP): 1.76 million dirhams
11 April 2006 03:12
Thanks for the numbers Mr. Faridios, but I have to strongly disagree with the choice of the TITLE!
THat's a sweeping statement that does not reflect at all the content of your message, which is appreciated!

Thieves of the Kind you show above are usually prosecuted and punished in the U.S...bad news is they are getting away with it in Morocco.

Thieves disguised as Executives would be more reflective.
11 April 2006 03:27
who remember the famous sentence : mine ayna laka hada ?

it s simple , go to google satelite , and look all the pretty villas by aindiab et casa anfa etc etc

Most of them built with fraud or laundering or drug money .
11 April 2006 09:10
Morocco land of thieves, land of prostitutes, land of chaos... Sounds like Rwanda to me. Are we comparing numbers here? Because if we are, we can compare them to the most advanced countries like France or the US to measure the exageration of such an affirmation... There is and has been and will be people abusing their personal interests during their time in the office, that doesn't mean that "all the villas in Ain Diab" are built on drug money or dirty money. There are several thousands of doctors, physicians, engineers, businessman, etc.. who made a fortune out of their practice or investments or simply out of money they inherited. Let's not generalize and give the impression that somebody who succeeds has to be a robber of some kind. The goal is not to do everything to make everybody poor but to uplift the poors and give them the opportunity to form a middle class or join the rich club. There are only 2 proven ways to achieve that and that is to educate properly from the kindergarden to the university AND to provide a job opportunity at the end that is decent and rewarding. The second one is to have a good business environment that is as much "clean" as possible with laws that are followed and reinforced with an independant judiciary system. If tomorrrow, we have those 2 elements in Morocco, the country will go very far. If not, it will not take ff anytime soon.
11 April 2006 09:41

Any info about the sources to make it official?!
13 April 2006 00:00
Your list remains incomplete Faridios : The real big-country theft has been omitted!!...


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2006 12:02 by Sharing.
13 April 2006 09:35
Land of help yourself like everywhere......
14 April 2006 05:02
hi again, i would totally go for education but i believe that the people that did this did in fact get an education otherwise they won't get the job. maybe i'm wrong but if than we gotta a bigger situation.
i do believe that they did what they did because they knew they ll get away with and some other people were getting a piece . if the government is indeed informed of all this, shouldn'nt been a prosecution in place.
maybe one the fellow members could inform us ...
14 April 2006 13:47
It's shameful to see such things happning in Morocco but its more shameful what u wrote as a title to ur message it lead to understand that more than 30 millions of people are thieves and even supposing that there are thieves in Morocco, what about other countries ????! are they Land of Angels ??! come on aint no angels on earth ! and everywhere Corruption . we shouldn't span the finger of guiltiness to Morocco but to those actors of such crimes you can read the newspapers and be more specific about the subject .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/14/2006 01:51 by wahid2006.
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