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Is Morocco a model for the Mulslim world ?
15 June 2009 14:19
I come across this article & wanted to share it with you :

15 June 2009 14:27
sorry mate i could not open this link
i ve got a problem with the media player
can you give me an idea about itsmiling smiley
15 June 2009 14:32
no is not a model,
assalam o alykoum
15 June 2009 14:36
no is not a model,
moody smileymoody smiley
why it s not a model any raisons? , to throw a sentence without explaining it s abit shallow don t you think ?
15 June 2009 14:41
knock knock
can 1 of you tell me first what in this site?
15 June 2009 14:42
i dont speak very well english,

i just gave an answer for this question

it'snt a model

our gouvernment haven't any base en religion

a popultion want have a life like europe or USa ...

anything is good,
assalam o alykoum
15 June 2009 14:44
please pleaaaaaaaaaaase
tell me morecrying(
15 June 2009 14:50
i did see this before on al jazeera , in my opinion , does it exist a free woman who wants her husband to marry 3 other wives ptdr
this woman in picture without doubt is married to some beardy who force her to repeat his words like a parrot: she is holding the quran in one hand and screamimg : i want my husband to marry 4 , i will die for this right , i insist that 4 women share my husband s wealth and his bed with me is this logic ?
and please if i get divorced i don t want nothing let my husband just throw me in the street after wasting the best years of my life with him ptdri am sure she has some wires under her scarf and her husband is standing within meters with remote control in one hand and a knife in the other ptdr

a woman to demonstarte against her rights this proves the degree of oppression in a male dominated society
most women who demonstrated in casablanca are wives of the islamist party PJD, et salafia joihadia
oppressed women with a herd of kids and no rights whatsoever

in the election these women don t have even the right to choose the candidate they wanted, there is a fatwa which says: if you vote for a different person than the one your husband has voted for it s a big sin you will go to hell ptdr

next demonstration is expected when the king will announce the new law concerning heritage ptdr

morocco is changing and women are equal in rights and responsibilities if beardies and their wives are not happy they can immigrate to a better society they have a lot of options : afghanistan , somale, saoudie, irane grinning smiley
15 June 2009 14:52
salma , i guess you have problems opening links in your computer
the link shows : a woman with a scarf holding the quran and protestiong against women righjts ptdr

la lilmodawana , galek alala bghat rajlha ytjewj aliha 4 wmnine divorcihe matakhod walou smoking smiley
15 June 2009 14:52
that s a joke right???tongue sticking out smiley
15 June 2009 14:58
it s not , try to double click on the link a demonstration against modawana by a scarfed women Heu
15 June 2009 14:59
i dont speak very well english,

i just gave an answer for this question

it'snt a model

our gouvernment haven't any base en religion

a popultion want have a life like europe or USa ...

anything is good,

hahahah we know your taste you prefer this type of governement


15 June 2009 15:00
ok cheersthumbs up
15 June 2009 15:02
whatsup : don't speak with me, ...

the lion don't speak with a donkey

whistling smiley
assalam o alykoum
15 June 2009 15:06
that s a silly think to say
you re not babiesAre you crazy
15 June 2009 15:11
whatsup : don't speak with me, ...

the lion don't speak with a donkey

whistling smiley
how civilisedptdra lion ?you are more a little sad little mousse sexually frustrated who still use nappies trying to feel important by insulting women , giving fatwas in every topic , take my advise
go masturbate it will help instead of posting topics which lacks respect to our moroccan mothers and sisters winking smiley

psss shave that beard it doesn t fool anyone Cool
15 June 2009 15:23
15 June 2009 15:30
ptdrptdrsorry atlas magic we hijacked your post
@salma ptdri made myself lough tooptdrthis guy has a problem with women , i think he can t find a woman that accept marrying him or he is divorced he spend all his time toxicating the forum by a hate compaign against women and posting subjcet like : muchoptdrla superiorite de l homme ptdr
women should not breathe or existptdr
someone has to say it to himptdr

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2009 03:30 by whatsup.
15 June 2009 15:36
i m really glad that there is someone like you watsup thinking big about womenWelcome(hemertilna wjehna)
15 June 2009 18:38
whats up ,please be my guess the idea is to have a debate & if we manage to enrich it its the icing on the cake !
15 June 2009 18:52
15 June 2009 19:14
But on serious note ,we all have sister ,mothers we really value , respect women ? do learn how to deal with them at equal level ? leave the religion to one side & look at the issue in a simpler way ...

Could we stand the abuse our women put up with in the streets ? aji azine manchofokch ! ......

We become a society thats accepts to see their women miss treated ,abused .........& every 1 saying well its not my problem ...........

Wakey wakey ! these ladies are the mothers ,sisters of our future generations & if let them down we all know what to expect !
15 June 2009 19:52
no noNo no
i m not with you at all
(mazalin rjal )
maybe not much but there are men who dont tolerate that kind of abuseangry smiley
15 June 2009 23:24

What i'am saying the issue needs to be taken by all of us & may the people you talking about are the minority , i know i wont be able to put up with what the women put up with back home !
16 June 2009 08:32
ok i got itsmiling smiley
16 June 2009 17:10
In many ways we lead but we also fails miserably in other areas
16 June 2009 17:11
16 June 2009 17:16
But on serious note ,we all have sister ,mothers we really value , respect women ? do learn how to deal with them at equal level ? leave the religion to one side & look at the issue in a simpler way ...

Could we stand the abuse our women put up with in the streets ? aji azine manchofokch ! ......

We become a society thats accepts to see their women miss treated ,abused .........& every 1 saying well its not my problem ...........

Wakey wakey ! these ladies are the mothers ,sisters of our future generations & if let them down we all know what to expect !

thumbs upyou are a top man , i applaud your mentality and hope there are a lot of men like you
i agree with you about lack of respect to women in morocoo , it is very intimidating to any woman to walk in the street freely in moroccan towns, men sitting in the corners whistling and shouting abuse like apes , even a pregnant woman or women with a herd of kids are not safe

united nations did say that about oppressed women : countries which do not respect their women and deprive them from their rights as citizens will never progress they will stay paralysed and handicapedIll

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2009 05:18 by printemps1.
16 June 2009 17:18
yes that s rightsmiling smiley
16 June 2009 17:25
In many ways we lead but we also fails miserably in other areas


If you see us on paper we come top & to be fair in other areas we have done good ,but if you take education & health you find us miles behind our neighbours lest alone Malasia /Turkey ....
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