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morocco united
20 November 2010 00:50
Hello every moroccan,

I would like and hear that all moroccan citizen are commited together and have alhobi lkebir for our country and to work together in different destination to push the economie of our country further.

je voudrais aussi envoyer un grand bonjour et remerciement a sa majesty le roi mohammed 6 que dieux le protege.

vive le maroc.
3 December 2010 22:12
No thank you for your nice thoughts keep up your hard work but please do send in your CV.
Best wishes
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
4 December 2010 03:45

C.V is just bullshit for stop poeple improving them self, confidence and been positive are most important.try to start with yes we can.

vive le maroc.
6 December 2010 02:04
11 December 2010 19:46
106 visit and only one negative reply, where are you all moroccan lahrar mean poeple who love their country.

no negative idee please is addictive.
29 December 2010 05:11

you just disregarded half the nation with this statement. You might think it doesn't matter but you ain't going to unite everyone if you don't include everyone
29 December 2010 07:32

C.V is just bullshit for stop poeple improving them self, confidence and been positive are most important.try to start with yes we can.

vive le maroc.

That would be a great start: Yes we can
But unfortunatly some people when they see others giving up, they tend de to the same thing which is wrong of course, so i guess this mentality has to change first, then we can adopt the idea of "Everything is Possible nothing is Impossible"
31 December 2010 21:12
im with you people,
let's give it our best smiling smiley
31 December 2010 22:04
I am glad that there are some positive ideas and moroccan lahrar start give in their opinion.

Platro thank you for your smile

Rosewater your comments very good "Everything is Possible nothing is Impossible"

Hadawahedsiyed you are right i am wrong : my message was clear to involve all moroccan young old wommen men poor rich........... sometimes we have to push poeple to integrate.

adds no comments to you.

thank you
7 January 2011 18:50
You have just missed the chance to change your life. Your CV would have been your first step into my business in Morocco.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
16 January 2011 01:45
I am happy with my life as it is I don't want to change it. by the way if I send you my cv I believe you want be able to afford my wages.
but I am happy that you have business in morocco that is" morocco united "
25 January 2011 22:38
Morocco forever peacefull and nice poeple, I love " MOROCCO UNITED" posted on November 20, 2010 before tunisien egypte and algerie thawra. We are different
18 February 2011 06:45
I admit that I don't really get the point behind this discussion, or should i say no discussion. One is talking about "Morocco United" which seems to be an excellent subject, another one is talking about some CV deal.

I don't mean to rain on your parade guys but please for God's sake make it a little easy for someone like me to understand what's going on, maybe I will be able to give my 2 cents too.

Oups I think I already did.

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