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can you fly out of morocco for a week while you foreign car stil in...
16 June 2010 19:46
anyne can help me here please:
we travelling to morocco for 5 weeks, my wife will stay in morocco for 1 week and fly to london for few days then fly backs to morocco to join us and the problem is that the car is rejestred on her name. will she have problem with moroccan customs in the airport?
17 June 2010 14:45
your wife will be back in few days i dont see it will be a problem

i think if she stays over 6 months that when customs ask to change the number plates for foreign cars circulating in morocco

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2010 02:51 by marocain-09.
19 June 2010 23:56
make sure the car is off the road while she is out of the country. She has to show her return flight details.
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22 June 2010 15:11
if you are insured you could drive it in morocco while she is absent
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