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morroccan immigrant doctors
21 November 2008 10:40
hello everyone,

my sister is a generalist doctor in morrocco and hopes finish her studies in the US..i would like to

know what are the modalities to integrate the US system and the conditions of morrocan doctors in US..

she's my little sister and needs my opinion to approuve her infront of my parrents..i know that she must

pass a lot of exams but i like to know exactly all the steps that she must have..thanks for your answers
21 November 2008 15:59
she is faced with different systems, education, medical studies and regulating bodies.
The rules are the rules there is no exception for Moroccan or European certificates.

our Moroccan qualifications are not recognised in UK, US and Canada and especially the medical once.
The Moroccan system is similar to the French perplexe even if the standard is different. The French medical schools are fantastic. Should she decide to leave Morocco to specialise in an area in Franc that would be a lot easier than say UK or US or Canada as she would need to take entry exams and further studies to meet the standards. The question sh needs to ask is it worth it? she needs to answer that.

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