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Moving to Saudi Arabia,
10 November 2008 14:12
Dear All,

I am moving to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, soon and am looking for Moroccans living there.

Hope to meet some there.

12 November 2008 05:41

Saudi Arabia is my dream land. i 've been to many countries last 10 years, right now i'm doing fine alhamdoALLAH where i am but wish if i could make it one day to THIS BLESSED LAND for a break.
one of my wife's aunties told me lately that she always suffers from severe back pain despite she's constantly under medical supervision and following her medical prescription but whenever she goes for OUMRA she feels like a new born baby and her illness dissppears like if she had nothing before.
my aim for a break in KSA is to look for inspiration, a return to the roots, a break for reconciliation with the soul and mind.

good luck to you abdo
13 November 2008 13:08

a return to the roots

Roots ? Really ? I didn't know Morocco was an offshoot of Saudia Arabia...
13 November 2008 15:22
I was expecting it from chelhman grinning smiley smiling smiley
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
13 November 2008 15:23
there is a "you" missing..
14 November 2008 07:11
Hi Chelhman,

try to read between lines. if what you said was told by a child then what you said could be tolerated but who knows you might be still be a form five student Danse
14 November 2008 11:35
No way Pedro, Most Moroccans are Berbers and definitely no Saudis’; I am offended by it as a matter of fact. Who knows may be you are descending from an Saudis’ branch, I respect that and good luck to you in your return home; is there anything we could do to help?Bye
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
14 November 2008 12:30

...but who knows you might be still be a form five student

Yes, that must be it, I'm just not bright enough I guess. I can't possibly be having a different view based on...historical facts.
14 November 2008 14:50
well i was talking ab myself. i know where Chelhman wants to get & i didn't give him chance to. If you 've anything against anyone its not the right time, the right place and the right forum to do so. you better debate race issue somewhere else. someone is asking for Moroccans in KSA and i only expressed my wish to make a break there, am I wrong??? It's shameful to deviate the topic and focus on issues that become an archive of the history.

Yes Pedro, please, lots of da3wat in your prayer if not too much askedWelcome and pretty please don't make too much fuss ab nothing smiling smiley
14 November 2008 15:21
....da3awat "bi she hajja" it is then... and one more trip to Ouarzazate for me inchallah.
Referring to your wife’s ant; humans' mind can make miracles work. The only thing wrong with those monkeys is the hypocrisy, the two faces people one rule for you, one for me and one for the spare face (third). Are you crazy
The holly land is supposed to be in Palestine, look at those holes the Israelis made in the Palestine’s life; what did the Saudis do help? Nothing eye popping smiley apart from helping with their Oil the wrong side.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
14 November 2008 15:30
Atlanticpacific, I wasn't going anywhere, I just found it weird that you mentioned "roots" when referring to KSA, I honestly don't get where you could have seen a race issue in here, it's about our history.
Anyway, good luck there.
14 November 2008 17:22
Don’t u see it’s ur mind who’s making miracle work here???
Respect people so that u’ll be respected. I don’t think it’s nice to call whoever monkeys. Only Allah knows what’s inside our souls and only Allah who w’ll judge us according to our deeds or misdeeds.
Pedro, be humble and look at yourself first, make sure everything is ok before criticizing whoever….
Allahoma ihdina wa irhamna.
14 November 2008 21:21
hi guys,

Thank for all your comments. I read them all and I really appreciate your contributions.

Yes, we can debate and go on and on, etc.

Neverthless, don't get me wrong, but if I knew that the discussion would go this way, I wouldn't start this forum. I was tempted to start debating as well, but preferred not to do so.

Any way, I'm still looking for some Moroccan fellows who are working in Saudi Arabia, preferably in Riyadh.

15 November 2008 15:56

Becarful what you wish for. It might come true, and then I would be very curiousto know if you still maintain the same romantic position you seem to have now. But, you will have to live there to really understand the the reality. To see how workers (muslim workers) are treated there.
15 November 2008 19:45
Alhamdo lillah Morocco is not included in the world financial crisis yet... I have checked and still look like a happy baboon.
You are absolutely right Racines, Working for Muslims/Arabs is the worse punishment one can have. I had friends in Morocco who lived in Saudi Arabia and wouldn’t return there for all the money in the world those creatures have offended their dignity. They think with money they can own people la illaha illa Allah.
One can’t talk to a Saudi about religion either, they seem to know it all and they act as if they are gods preferred humans.yawning smiley
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
16 November 2008 03:25
Hi Racines,

i can say i know more than u imagine ab KSA, its people & how life looks like there. yes there's unjustice and workers especially from Arab countries are treated badly there. lately an Egyptian doctor was jailed for 20 yrs because his patient was addicted to pain killer , later on the Saudi government claimed it jailed the man because he sexually harrassed his patients and this was categorically rejected by his layer. This is just an exemple of what an Arab worker can endure. Anyway what i want to tell you is that u misunderstood what i was reffering to. it's not ab money, job or even desire to get in touch with its people whom i don't like the way of life and thinking but never hate them as some people do just because they are rich. Racines, its something spiritual. some want to refresh, relax and renew their thaughts by going to desert, some to the north where there's greenary and beautiful scenaries. Myself i would like to make a break there for the same reasons as it represents lots for me. Racines, it's just a wish for a break as i'am fine where i am and i'm not looking for better life as u might think.
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