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need advices from moroccan in the uk
11 January 2011 16:41
Want to send a parcel fron london to casablanca, what is the best way?
11 January 2011 20:16
go to the post office?
hope it helps ...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/11/2011 08:17 by Platro.
11 January 2011 22:17
The best way is about 2 to £3 a kilo by courier they bring back things too from Morocco (all of the shahiwate). I will see if I can get you a number of someone trustworthy.
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11 January 2011 23:20
Yes Thats Will Be Very Kind Of U... But The Things Is That I Need This As Soon As Possible... Well My Email Is : [email protected]... thanks
29 January 2011 12:07
can you please let me know how you got on.
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