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12 October 2007 02:09
Dears friends,

I want to ask you: what's the rapid way in order to immigrate in US. You are laughing, I didn't find other way to ask my question. I mean, other than Green Card Lottery which can take many years, how we can go there legaly.

That's all.
12 October 2007 09:40
The issue depends on your background.
12 October 2007 10:08
Hello Krim,

Can you explain more.

12 October 2007 14:46
I think Krim has summarised it well. Depends on your background, education, career and where you come from. The most obvious and best way in my opinion is to look for jobs that are suitable for you and that would pay a decent salary on which you can survive. Venturing just like that on your own with no source of income is like jumping blindfolfed in a deep cold ocean. You also need to be careful when choosing your destination as states are different from one another so i'd choose the cheapest, most flexible in terms of laws etc and then once you're settled you can move on to Hollywood if you want smiling smiley
So looking for jobs shouldn't be difficult as you can do that online, unless you have some money to spend in which case you could plan a nice trip on a tourist visa for few months and once there you can look for jobs, hold interviews etc and get yourself a work permit if all goes well.
Good luck
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
12 October 2007 16:18
in usa,alive or dead
12 October 2007 16:20
how we can go there legaly
saty at home it's much legal ,the grass is not always grrener in the other side honey ,you have bettre to stay home.
12 October 2007 21:18
We have to be franck with ourselves.
All poeple say that they prefer to stay where they are but if you say to one of them, i will give you the possibility to go any place better, without any effort, he will not hesitate and will forget all what he said before about homeland and these sories.
13 October 2007 16:11

If I can have some more info about your background, education, age group...I can give some options (actually not many people know about some of those options, and they are legal and ethical and perfectly correct), but what I can't promess you is that it is a better place, a lot of people have misconceptions and false ideas, it is not an easy life and it is a lot of hard work...and there is a lot of truth and wisdome in the posts above. Believe me these posters are honest and they all speak from experience (not necessarily personal, but from what they see in everyday life. So the question you should ask yourself is not how you will get here, but what you will be doing and how you will live, if and when you get here. Once you have that answer, then procede to the next step.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
13 October 2007 20:51
without any effort, he will not hesitate and will forget all what he said before about homeland and these sories
so why all who are already there are dying to come back to home,i dont want you to be that sure ,it may be good to laive there but it's still othre'sland not yours.
13 October 2007 20:57

I wish if you know someone who left there and came back home to tell us the reason for that decision.
13 October 2007 21:37
i think,whatever i say you would still daying to go there,i dont want you to have a hard times as many before ,anyway good luck ,i hope that you get what you want censerly
14 October 2007 09:28
Hello racines,

I sent you a private message explaining more.
14 October 2007 09:29
Hello Souado,

Thank you for your support.
30 October 2007 12:52
there are plenty of solutions
you either try to find a job there
find a man who can arry you
write a book and ask a hpublishing house to publish it, then you will be asked to go there
and more
[email protected]
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