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Organ donation
8 October 2009 08:46
Is organ donation halal or haram?
8 October 2009 10:39
well it depends reallyperplexe
8 October 2009 23:20
Depends on what?
10 October 2009 23:01
I've heard it's haram but I don't know if it's true or not.

I'm kind of in favor of organ donation though. It's such a huge step in Science, it has saved so many lives (my cousin got a liver transplant last year), so how could religion (Islam) be against it? I guess it's a never-ending debate...
13 October 2009 09:04
25 October 2009 14:22

I heard from a person that's "haram".
I agree with Neurotica, it's a great thing.
If our death can help someone else why not. It's like we did not completly die.
My friend's sister die in a car accident, their parents gave thier agreement to give some of her organs.
My friend told me that for her, her sister is living though 4 persons.
I am thinking to register on the list of organs donor.
25 October 2009 20:09
Why is it haram? I think organ transplantation is one of the greatest achievements in medical sphere. I think ethical stigma is attached to it more than religious one.
25 October 2009 23:19
it is the ultimate noble human gesture and i think everyone of us need to have an organ donor card and register who knows one day may be our children will need this sort of life saving operation
4 January 2010 00:44
it migth be haram if you are a muslim and you donate your organs to non muslim... as you probably know if a muslim gets an arm or a leg (etc) amputated it has to be buried ( muslim ) so a guess that if it is non muslim that gets your organ it could be problem.Heu

some muslim belive that the body feels pain until it is buried. perplexe

well, perhaps this (Is organ donation halal or haram?) is question for someone who has more knowledge

Hope you find the answer and when you do plz share it with us.

(((the answer to haram or halal is not a guess)))

take care
4 January 2010 14:58
Where does it say its haram? What verse? Why is it haram (Islam only forbid the acts that can be harmful to humans)? Unbelievable Some Muslims make rules as they go.

How about having pigs’ organs such as a heart? So far pigs are proved to be very compatible to us; our immune system does accept to certain degrees piggy bits and bobs.spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
26 January 2010 15:47
Where does it say its haram? What verse? Why is it haram (Islam only forbid the acts that can be harmful to humans)? Unbelievable Some Muslims make rules as they go.

How about having pigs’ organs such as a heart? So far pigs are proved to be very compatible to us; our immune system does accept to certain degrees piggy bits and bobs.spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

So I've heard! If I had to get a pig's heart to survive, I guess I would have to... Such a cruel dilemma if you ask me! So cruel... sad smiley
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