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Paul Bowles (An American) spent much of his life in Morocco
24 March 2006 09:53
Paul Bowles (An American) spent much of his life in Morocco – great pictures, and descriptions of life in Morocco, etc. – []
24 March 2006 21:32
Thank you, Mr. Krim. You have no idea how helpful this is!
I worked on this author for years and was missing few sources on and by him.
He's one of the great ones that were "really" lost and thereby forgotten by the "American Club"
He's talked about and discussed more's a pity,this is all happening after his death.
I met the man in a brief interview by the way!

Thanks again.

27 March 2006 13:36
Dear Yani
Paul said once: The important thing you learn in Morocco is :

"To be patient "

Allah Ghaleb
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