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Our people are just fine (news
24 September 2008 11:58
1-Moroccan government are doing something about the salaries at last. The timing is leaving me a bit sceptical as the rest of the world is struggling to find money; our folks suddenly find 15 millions MDH in support of this modernisation.
However the idea is splendid several office/government workers will either lose or gain.


2- Million School bags to be donated to certain children, very good gesture but who cares about school bag if they haven’t books, winter cloths, and bread?
Would the money better spent on something like Roads/Schools/ toilets/hospitals/food/ medicine?


3- It is very nice to know that our government cares for the Africans too, that is very noble.

Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
24 September 2008 14:18
Well if the salaries are going up its because they are very very low to start with + everything is going up & to keep peace you need to look like you are helping out .....
As for the school ! we need to have schools first of all ,qualified teachers & plan the education of our people ....too may projects but if we do not invest in the people first of all we wont be able to raise to the challenge & the results are here : look at the tourism ,call centres...............we calling on foreigners to man them as we do not have the skilled peoples to do the jobs 9 but we still have jobless)+ a luck of education is costing us lives on the roads in the sea ( al7araga) ..................................our politicians have not worked out that Education Education Education is the only way to move forwards

As for our diplomacy its always being poor & we missed a lots of opportunities just because our diplomats inherit these positions ! until we stop these practices we will always have a week diplomacy ..
24 September 2008 14:54
Hi Atlasmagic,

I totally agree on education, it is the one sector that seems to be untouched by the gvt, they've dumped the problem on the private sector by encouraging private schools with tax incentives.
However, I'm puzzled by your remark on call centers, where exactly did you see that we're calling on foreigners ? I have friends both working and managing them in Casablanca, they seem to be more than happy with the endless reservoir of qualified staff and since most of them require french speaking staff, we're having no problem in Morocco.
The problem will arise when we start taking on contracts for english speaking companies, but so far call centers are a blessing for young people who used them mostly as a bridge to further their careers, since the salaries are not that great, they start at 4000 dhs.
24 September 2008 15:21

I had friends working in call centres in Casa /Rabat & they informed me of the luck of English speaking staff & the increasing number of foreigners either setting them up or managing them
24 September 2008 15:58
Atlasmagic, I didn't know we were already taking on english speaking contracts, thanks for the info.
Then we're in trouble, the english level in Morocco is disastrous and those who are skilled are certainly not going to accept the low salaries of the call centers.
24 September 2008 16:07
That is the point I was trying to amplify. We also have to recognise that education is not for every child; some are not made up to be students but can still learn a trade and be trained to do well in their lives.
The school bags will prove to be useful for children as old as 12 after that children fancy trendy and brand name rock sacks especially those living in towns and big cities; the school bag will be useful for shopping . Those living in some small villages; are struggling to find a school near by (like areas near kh7enifra ) beside clean water and roads for regular supplies during bad winters.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
24 September 2008 16:35
Why the government is solving the symptoms and not the disease? I came across this article (I haven’t read anything in Arabic for years so was struggling a bit!!).
I have this vision of these workers sitting in lamdina lakh9dima and close to soukh9 gaygia just waiting patiently its very sad.
I n Safi, I have seen similar process with Moroccan women trying to find labourer work as cleaners. They resumed to begging on the same spot they were standing in when no job came along.

Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
25 September 2008 22:29
all i have to say about this is that our gvr in fact is doinnnnnnng nothing concernin g education. just trivial things that severe no one's interest but their i haev evidences fir this hope that one sweet day we will be surprised by a new measure taken by this gvr
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