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9 October 2008 20:56
Hi there,

A simple question:

What is your philosophy of life?

As for me:

1. One God, one Love, one Way
2. Live life to the fullest, tomorrow might never come
3. Live and let live

Thanks for your participationwinking smiley
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
9 October 2008 23:45
Hi Sweet,

i just don't have any ...

what about this one

run as long as you can, once you stop there will be end line spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

hope no one heard me hihihi
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
10 October 2008 11:27
I love myself first; by doing so I am thankful to the creator, god, nature etc …for this amazing creature on earth today. I never being in love or loved another Human on earth. I think of lots of people most of the time and worry about them too.
I only live one day at a time. I also die everyday in appreciation of the next day.
I am very selfish, but very caring of others too especially those less fortunate than me in life. I don’t give to charity but I give away gifts to those in need of help, rich or poor. I am very curios of the unknown and I ask specific questions...

I never hate anything or anybody, I just disregard things and people of my life. No, does mean no to me; people have to think make decisions and live with the consequences. I think out aloud; I don’t lie but I don’t tell the truth always.

I am very difficult to live with in the eyes of lay people but as long as there are others who appreciate the way I am and can live with me; I know I am correct.

I am not perfect but the nearest to the perfection at least in my opinion because that is always my target. I don’t settle for second best if I am trying for the best.

Alhamdo Lillah,, I am jsut an amazing creature.
Thank you Allah for making this way.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
10 October 2008 13:53
Hi Hicham,

Yes pretty interesting but I'm sure you have another, come on!!!

Hi Sweet,

i just don't have any ...

what about this one

run as long as you can, once you stop there will be end line spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

hope no one heard me hihihi
10 October 2008 13:56
Hi Adds,

DO you feel that the world revolves around you???

I love myself first; by doing so I am thankful to the creator, god, nature etc …for this amazing creature on earth today. I never being in love or loved another Human on earth. I think of lots of people most of the time and worry about them too.
I only live one day at a time. I also die everyday in appreciation of the next day.
I am very selfish, but very caring of others too especially those less fortunate than me in life. I don’t give to charity but I give away gifts to those in need of help, rich or poor. I am very curios of the unknown and I ask specific questions...

I never hate anything or anybody, I just disregard things and people of my life. No, does mean no to me; people have to think make decisions and live with the consequences. I think out aloud; I don’t lie but I don’t tell the truth always.

I am very difficult to live with in the eyes of lay people but as long as there are others who appreciate the way I am and can live with me; I know I am correct.

I am not perfect but the nearest to the perfection at least in my opinion because that is always my target. I don’t settle for second best if I am trying for the best.

Alhamdo Lillah,, I am jsut an amazing creature.
Thank you Allah for making this way.
10 October 2008 15:51
What is your philosophy of life?

As for me:

1. One God, one Love, one Way
2. Live life to the fullest, tomorrow might never come
3. Live and let live

Thanks for your participationwinking smiley

10 October 2008 16:12
Salam Tamazirt,

For me,there is one love but so many ways to love...

What is your philosophy of life?

As for me:

1. One God, one Love, one Way
2. Live life to the fullest, tomorrow might never come
3. Live and let live

Thanks for your participationwinking smiley

10 October 2008 16:25
Oups not yet dear, the world is still s the matter of fact but if only as speaking; sometimes around me and others like meperplexe
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
10 October 2008 18:26
My be this is as good as it gets for you perplexe
Study hard
Work hard
Get married
Buy a flat/house/villa
Buy a car
Have couple a kids
Does life stop her? Not sure 4 me?
11 October 2008 12:58
thanks adds for your frankness, i only couldn't understand how a selfish person can care about anyone!!?? being selfish for me means caring only about himself, his well being and personal interests.

12 October 2008 21:15
Not Necessarily!!! I have passed that stage now. Selfish in a kinder way to others in the following order Number one first, ME and ME then, my very close family, ANIMALS, big family, children, my friends, nice people who share same belief, gorgeous ladies, the rest of people. Cool
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
15 October 2008 11:54
I dont have a philosophy, still looking for mine...

So right now I'm like "Dont think, just shoot."
15 October 2008 14:36
Danse well that is a philosophy too.Oups
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
15 October 2008 15:55
Yeah, I guess you can say that...

But still, my philosophy is to not have a philosophy? kinda of silly aint it?

In fact my answer is that I'm working on it... And right now, I just dont think. I do what I have to do right now, because I dont know what the future will be like.
16 October 2008 10:09
Why call it philosophy? Isn’t it the same as having principles and believing to live in certain manner? Calling the way of living philosophy, would oppose most people to the idea, it’s a natural thing.
We go through stages in our lives. Our principles change continuously to suit our circumstances. Does that mean one have a changing philosophy?moody smiley
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
16 October 2008 14:12
Hi there,

Why Philosophy??? I'll tell you:

YOur life is guided by some principles you are faithful to. The way you see life. Choose your direction, choose your way by sticking to your rules.
16 October 2008 15:38
Hence we could call it subjective life principles or just personal rules. It is when we classify them as philosophy when the idea become s like “ kh7obze ash3eer sandwich dial al formage” and “ Mahrasha fiha al formage”. I really miss the last one and I am hungry now all I have is some fruit.Chef
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
16 October 2008 16:08
You can make it yourself... It's not harder to do than... I dont know, waffles... or something of this kind.

And I think that there is a huge difference between having principles and having a philosophy of life...

I have principles... Like "never touch a girl if she is not at least 21 years old"... But I wont call it a philosophy... It's just a rule I follow.

And it's part of something else I could call a philosophy... And it will be "go for the big win/fish."
16 October 2008 17:10
Well, you are free to choose the right word...for your way. Philosophy or not, who cares???

If I say 'live and let live', for me it's a principle, a way of life and my philosophy...

This is my opinion and I do share itsmiling smiley
16 October 2008 17:35
The live and let live in an interesting way to live.

But you can be sure that the others wont respect that.

You all heard about these peaceful monks in Tibet who got attacked by the Chinese. I wont describe the horrors they have been through because there is ladies here.

We dont live in a perfect world.
17 October 2008 10:36
Waffles… Philosophy something of this kind is eating “ kh7obze ash3eer sandwich dial al formage” or “ Mahrasha fiha al formage”.

Everything in this universe is subject to control. When there is relation failure or breakage between the small elements of the universe at our level, one witnesses the horror of the animal side of Human being.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
22 October 2008 18:45
Can I actually ask you how you define the term philosophy here ?

If we agree on "philosophy is the study of general problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, truth, beauty, justice, validity, mind, and language"

I would have at least 365 ones a year

Everyday, I can have a different opinions about :

truth: if it suits me, i call it truth smiling smiley
existence: don't bother myself that much with that, but focus on create something and give existence/life
knowledge: hmm, what i do know now is knowledge what i do not, just a piece of irrelevant information
justice: something we all dream of
validity: depends on which angle you look at things from
mind: hmm , what's that?
language: i probably i never speak the same language first thing the morning two days in row
22 October 2008 20:28
hi latifa,

i don't have any philosophy,i just live my life and leap on opportunities presented to mesmiling smiley
23 October 2008 16:14
Mine is live & let live
24 October 2008 19:56
Hi Karimerosmiling smiley,

Well, you're right to take each day as it comes...

Wishing you all the best Inshallah!


hi latifa,

i don't have any philosophy,i just live my life and leap on opportunities presented to mesmiling smiley
28 October 2008 11:57

Generally speaking, "Philosophy is a quest for a comprehensive understanding of human existence. It is also an attempt to get clear on some fundamental and important issues in our lives ( for instance, questions about the creation of the world...)"

Now let's turn to the term "philosophy of life". For me, it is : getting a thinking of how you see life.

It is a way to uncover the principles needed to guide one's life.

Many may ask what life is all about, what we seek are principles with which to live our lives.

If I say "To understand life, consider death"; it's a phiplosophy of life...

Have I made myself clear?

Hope this helps,

Have a nice day smiling smiley,


Can I actually ask you how you define the term philosophy here ?

If we agree on "philosophy is the study of general problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, truth, beauty, justice, validity, mind, and language"

I would have at least 365 ones a year

Everyday, I can have a different opinions about :

truth: if it suits me, i call it truth smiling smiley
existence: don't bother myself that much with that, but focus on create something and give existence/life
knowledge: hmm, what i do know now is knowledge what i do not, just a piece of irrelevant information
justice: something we all dream of
validity: depends on which angle you look at things from
mind: hmm , what's that?
language: i probably i never speak the same language first thing the morning two days in row
28 October 2008 13:53
Ok I am splitting hair here; I agree with you about what you just said and disagree about the term philosophy, nowadays no one would call it that. Similarly everyone complains about the high prices of food, petrol, low wages, luck of jobs, recession, etc but they don’t call it: Market economical interpretation, Politics, Economy crisis etc.

Most people believe in "illa shab3ate al karsh kate gool li rass 3ghani" is the only philosophy that differ between calling it philosophy or “kool-osaphy”
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
1 November 2008 22:06
Ok I am splitting hair here; I agree with you about what you just said and disagree about the term philosophy, nowadays no one would call it that. Similarly everyone complains about the high prices of food, petrol, low wages, luck of jobs, recession, etc but they don’t call it: Market economical interpretation, Politics, Economy crisis etc.

Most people believe in "illa shab3ate al karsh kate gool li rass 3ghani" is the only philosophy that differ between calling it philosophy or “kool-osaphy”


I would really appreciate if you could translate the part in bold.

Thanking you in advance.

Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
4 November 2008 17:00
The philosophy of life does depend on our values and beliefs. In fact, all your life depends on how you answer 2 questions: Who am I? What I am doing here, in life? And what after? And there is 2 differents aproach to answer those questions:

1- Philosophy: Philisophy does not admit anything. Nothing is valid unless it is proven and could be logically accepted. Whilst there are lot of theories about life and about the metaphysic, it is still right that we don't know who we are and what after death. So philosophy choosed instead of answering those questions, to answer only one question: I am here (I don't know why and I don't know what after), but let's make my life happy? How to bring happiness to my life? I must admit this makes me more anxious about my life ;-)

2- Religion started first answering why I am here and what after (hell or heaven). And after gave a way of life. This way is also supposed to bring happiness and at the same time prepare for the other life. Religions says that after this life, there is another life that could be better or worse than this one. All that depends on our work and what we will accomplish as good in this life.
Good actions mean Good Life (after this life). But actions mean Bad life.

The difficuly with religious is that the message is not proven but only admitted and could have different ways of interpretation...
16 November 2008 14:54
Who am I? What I am doing here, in life? And what after? I make these three questions for start with.
This is just to help you to stop your anxiety:
Do! What you have to do, what you can and when you can do it (including what the religion tells you to do). ( la you califo Allaha nafsone illa wos3aha)
Happiness is what you make out of life, in order to do well you have to be happy doing what you are doing if not happy, stop and start again. It is only with happiness that your deeds have very good intentions.
Moments of sadness and contemplations of once life are necessary to move forward. Have aims and targets in order to achieve who you are and who you wants to be.

Quote from the Bible “What’s so ever that ye ask and pray for believe that ye have received them and ye shall receive them”

You can’t base your life on religion only; otherwise you have to be a hermit living in isolation. In order to be a good Muslim you have to be a happy Muslim, thankful for every day you are alive. The meaning of your existence is a subjective issue determined by your level of understanding of your surrounding and interacting with it in a conscientious manner.
You have to bear in mind that Hell and Heaven are on earth first, don’t punish yourself twice. yawning smiley
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
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