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pleaaase help
6 June 2010 15:14
i'm moroccan girl studying in new zealand, IF i'd want to return to morocco, will i find a job easily????????????
please please i waant heelp lol
6 June 2010 19:35
Is this a joke? Am I missing some thing here? Surely before you went over there you did your homework and a small market research if you were intending to return.

Our country is miles behind compared to most European countries but it is fast evolving compared to the rest. Most good ideas can be backed up and one can start ones own business easily. One has to stop been pessimistic or not go back at all.
The decision is entirely yours.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
1 July 2010 17:03
adds way to give an answer that misses completely the target...

Well mari.maru, dont mind adds, he is heavy... But tell us more about your studies.

If you are a nuclear physicist, well, it will be a "little" tough finding a job in Morroco. Possible, but tough...

Well, my point, is that it depends on some aspects... You skills and your "means". And I mean by that the money you can find.

You can start your own business if you have the means... And you can join some high ranking jobs if you have the profile (a killing machine like me).

But if you want the "average job", well, forget Morroco. In Morroco, average is a pain in the ass... They pay little, and they suck so much, you will get bored in no time.
24 September 2010 23:44
hi, yes morocco is moving now, and if you have a super diploma you will find nice job and good case to live in evry city just come and try to have a nice life here your welcome, this is your country
24 September 2010 23:56
contact me here and i will tell you what you what you have to do becouse me too i will need you when i come to new zeland to have stuies lol this my msn , [email protected]
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