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please help me
8 August 2006 10:00
hello everybody,

I am a software engineer, and I plan to purse un MBA (Master of business Administration) in a prestegious university in UK or USA. So, My first step is to perform my english skills. I hope somebodies here in yabilady can give me best ways to do this. I will be very happy if someone who have already pursud an MBA can provide further helping information.


9 August 2006 03:12
watch CNBC, read the economist lol not the moroccan one the british one. Check out the usual undergrad business courses offered in american universities especifically Accounting and Finance courses. There's some basic stuff u just have to know. I don't have an MBA but I have experience.
9 August 2006 03:15
Oh yeah and read some economics books. U definetly got a lot of readings to do lol. Good luck, and welcome to the real life. The computer world is either black or white, the business world is rather Gray.
9 August 2006 11:23
thank you Jexingo for your prompt remply.
9 August 2006 13:56
Get a teacher, or enroll at a school, watch TV in English, comb the Web for business material, and read...
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