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The Point of No Return
19 September 2008 21:44
Read Mike, His stuff is dramatic and reads like a thriller.Cool

Tuesday's 449 point bloodbath on Wall Street is the beginning of an unavoidable market crash. Regardless of Paulson's plan, there's more pain on the way. According to Bloomberg: "More than $19 trillion has been wiped off global stock market moody smiley value since a high on Oct. 31 as the worst U.S. housing recession since the Great Depression and a resulting global credit crisis slowed the world economy." All of the economic indicators point to greater losses. Once the system begins to deleverage, there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.:'( Paulson can place himself in front of a market avalanche if he chooses, but it won't change the outcome. Market corrections are as inexorable as the force of gravity. That's why equity bubbles cannot be allowed to develop without interest rate intervention. Responsible action by the Central Bank could have prevented the present crisis.
23 September 2008 11:10
Is this some kind of punishment to what pain was induced to some nations by unjustified wars? Or is it just a planned crisis to recover from these wars
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