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Police identify a Moroccan cab driver killed last night!
25 November 2008 16:41
NEWPORT NEWS - A cab driver was shot to death in the southeastern section of Newport News late last night.

Police have identified the man as a Mohammed "Mike" Laktami, a 32-year-old native of Morocco who has been legally living in the United States for two years. Police spokesman Harold Eley said Laktami had been "working in Virginia to support his family at home in Morocco," and that he began driving a cab in Newport News two months ago.

Eley said officers responded to a call at 10:30 p.m. Sunday reporting a North End cab sitting in the roadway at the intersection of 20th Street and Marshall Avenue. They found Laktami, who had been shot one time in the head. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Eley said Laktami had picked up at fare at 18th Street and was taking the person to 28th Street. Police believe the motive was robbery but are still investigating other possibilities. There was no information about suspects.

A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
25 November 2008 17:51
So sad
Ina lillah wa ina ilayhe raji3oun.
25 November 2008 18:23
USA is a scary country. God luck im not living in the USA
25 November 2008 18:32
Ina lilahi wa ina ilaihi raji3oune ..Ra7imaho allah

Very sad indeed only 32 years of age ,la 7awla wala 9owata ila bi allah
28 November 2008 13:06
Allah eyarhmo maskine
wa allah yahfadcom camling
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
29 November 2008 00:19
those crimes are common in usa because cab drivers are carrying cash with them all the time, i think it's a robbery especially during the economic crisis ,anyway ajalou wfa allah yrahmou amine
29 November 2008 18:38
trigger happy nation
i feel sorry for him and i feel more sorry for his family back in Morocco it must be a herendous news to hear about a loved one sad smiley
9 December 2008 15:31
i think this is the same guy who got shot in the head near norfolk virginia

one thing one has to know that there is a huge community of moroccans overthere and a lot of illegal activities ...

hope the mistery about this crime get solved soon
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
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