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the political soup
20 August 2007 10:50
we have in morocco over 345 political parties , some people will think thats a sign of democracy , but in fact it is a desaster, if we analayse thes parties we found they all part of each other , family run party wher the son and cousins inherit the political partymoody smiley, an other party with a dectator (secretary general who doesn t want to let go , glued to his chair and any opposition he sacks people who in their turn go and start their own political party???? we have over 50 parties their leaders are ex ministers who ruined the country in the years 70 , 80 and 90 and contributed to the problemes that we have now in Morocco , religious parties who hide under the mask of honesty and trensparancy but the realite showed the opposite many of their membres are corrupted stole a lot of money from the local authorities as the case in Meknes where the budget just vanished and a lot of scandals has been reported in the local and national news, communist parties who still chant the vague slogans without any proper solutions and they fighting btw each other about chairs and power, very rich parties who can afford buy anythiong and everything , some parties are created as a sub parties in the elections they sell their votes and people s trust to trhe big sharks who become misiters .........................and the looser in all this is he poor moroccan citizen who lives on less than one dollar a day!!!!! confused not bveacuse of a sun stroke , but because he can t digest this political soup , harira without taste , it s ridiculous

in developped countries 4 or five do the job properly , unfortunately politic still in Morocco as a way to get rich , becomin a member of parliament is like winning lotery?????it is very shameful!!!!
what do you think about these political parties ? and do you think anyone of them deserve voting for?
20 August 2007 13:54
Having numerous parties has never been a sing of democracy. In every state worldwide, there are no more than 2 or 3 main leader parties, 1 on the left, 1 conservative and sometimes another one in the middle. In Morocco, there isn't a true belonging to any party or ideology, it's all premeditated, candidates join by inheritance as you said or according to which party is likely to win the next elections (or made to win). The 300 and some pseudoparties are there on the surface only and don't have any role to play in politics, in fact they don't have any power or influence on decisions since the only one to decide is the king. It's him who got full hands on the government, he recuits and sacks whoever he wants including the prime minister! if this is not pathetic then i don't know what it is. And for me, this is reason enough not to vote on any party.
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