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"Property Borders exciting new Moroccan website Launched
9 December 2006 20:40
Hi guys just found this forum its a great read & very usefull

This news was posted on the net I thought I would bring it to your attention
as its to do with a Moroccan agency.

The website has great news and info on the Moroccan property market.

The new Moroccan theme interactive website which features investment news, Videos, buyers guide to Morocco & details on Morocco’s Plan Azur/Vision 2010 is unique in the sense that it offers potential buyers of Moroccan property a platform of fully researched information.

Speaking about the Exclusive launch of the website Mustapha Mezouri, Property Borders co Director, said "we are delighted at the outcome of our new site which took just under 1 year to compile".

In today’s booming Moroccan property market there are many property agency’s attempting to sell Moroccan property but as Mustapha who is Moroccan himself says "beware many of these companies don’t understand Morocco & its structure, Morocco is a complex country so companies need to understand its laws.

My advice is look for a property agency that is a regulated by one of the trade organisations such as FOPDAC or AIPP"

Property Borders who are based in London are registered with the Moroccan Tourist Office & Embassy.

They are also proud members of FOPDAC the Federation of Overseas Property Developers, Agents and Consultants.

Property Borders Market a wide variety of property across Morocco to suit all budgets and are official agents for all government backed Plan Azur developments like Mediterranean Saidia & Port Lixus in Larache.

Their current Moroccan property portfolio includes property in Marrakech, Marina Smir, Asilah, Tangier, Tetouan, Agadir & Saidia, we also have many other Exclusive launches in the pipeline so watch this space or contact us for further datails now

0208 508 9905
[email protected]
Moroccan Hospitality With British Professionalism
15 December 2006 22:30
British push into Morocco gains momentum.

Anyone watching the property market in Morocco will be aware of just how strong the British foray into the market is. In the first phase a lot of the attention was on the riads and dars in Marrakech, Fez and Essaouira, but then came the opening up of the Moroccan coastline to major development projects.

With larger players entering the market, competition has heated up and incentives, such as free flights to inspect property are being offered. One of the players worth keeping an eye on is Property Borders. Not only do they have Mustapha Mezouri, a Moroccan, at the helm, but they have also taken a lot of time and trouble in designing a strong web presence. Mezouri's local knowledge is being touted as "Moroccan Hospitality With British Professionalism". A smart move.

Although their highly professional site is eye-catching, there are still a lot of gaps in the areas where properties could be available, but we expect that to improve in the near future.

The next year should be an interesting time in the top end of the Moroccan property market and we can expect to see new players arrive and possibly some of the less professional leave. One thing is for certain. Competition will get tougher. We will keep you posted.

You can check out the Property Borders website here: Property Borders

Posted by Samir The view from Fes.
9 January 2007 16:24
British push into Morocco gains momentum.

Very interesting , lets hope Morocco doesn't become overpopulated like other turistic areas,, but of course it wouldn't hurt and might bring more job opportunities for moroccans. smiling smiley

Anyone watching the property market in Morocco will be aware of just how strong the British foray into the market is. In the first phase a lot of the attention was on the riads and dars in Marrakech, Fez and Essaouira, but then came the opening up of the Moroccan coastline to major development projects.

With larger players entering the market, competition has heated up and incentives, such as free flights to inspect property are being offered. One of the players worth keeping an eye on is Property Borders. Not only do they have Mustapha Mezouri, a Moroccan, at the helm, but they have also taken a lot of time and trouble in designing a strong web presence. Mezouri's local knowledge is being touted as "Moroccan Hospitality With British Professionalism". A smart move.

Although their highly professional site is eye-catching, there are still a lot of gaps in the areas where properties could be available, but we expect that to improve in the near future.

The next year should be an interesting time in the top end of the Moroccan property market and we can expect to see new players arrive and possibly some of the less professional leave. One thing is for certain. Competition will get tougher. We will keep you posted.

You can check out the Property Borders website here: Property Borders

Posted by Samir The view from Fes.
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