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The questions that has no straight answers
25 March 2010 16:28
What is the meaning of life? Why are we here on earth in this universe?
What about animals why are they here what is their meaning of life?
I know there are some answers around they don't make sense. Today I lost my other dog he had to be put down he was suffering but what crime did he do? He was eleven years old and full of life as when he was a puppy. Now they both have gone they left me only with their memories and heart broken. Nothing would replace them. I am left pondering over questions I asked during my childhood but was told that was bad to ask them and all the time had no answer for them. Why their companionship has ended?
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25 March 2010 17:14
hi there ,
i want you to do just one thing and then you gonna find answer for all your question ,,so i want you to say ,,,3odo bilah mina chaytan rajim o sir tsali o tlab lah yarfer lik
25 March 2010 19:11
thank you for your opinion but what has it got to do with the price of fish? I have tried it before and it didn't give me any, anything; I am still left with questions an answered.
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26 March 2010 14:16
ptdrpoor you , what a loss
they should put you down with your dog to get you out of your miserygrinning smiley

it s called nature : you born , you get old you die , people loose their children or their parents and they move on and accept it
you lost a smelly hairy dog and you are crying a river in a public forum goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh get a lifeCool
26 March 2010 20:04
When I read post from Human like you still alive I honestly loose interest of life and living. A death with a smelly hairy dog is far better than being in a life where smelly and cocky humans of such behaviour on a forum.
You nailed it I will have to give you that one; you managed to get the correct sequence right but unfortunately I need more of an answer than what I have learnt since the age of five. Some people have "santeha" as big as a football stadium and a brain the size of a pea.

My dogs death only triggered back questions still hanging unanswered. Obviously your knowledge is not adequate for this type of discussion I have to respect that. Still keep an eye without undermining your folks someone will start analysing for us the physics driving the cycle of life.
You are absolutely right when you said I felt miserable and unhappy for loosing a companion and man’s best friend. Strangers showed sympathy for an animal suffering from an internal tumour bursting. Perhaps I have forgotten the cruelty of our people to animals.
Cancer doesn’t necessary chose the type of animal (including Human) it will attach. From my heart I wish you will never have to worry about this disease.
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26 March 2010 21:31
adds, I'm very sorry about your dog.It does hurt - I've lost mine almost 3 years ago. He was 10. You get used to it, his companionship, affection, loyalty etc. I've cried for 2 days sad smiley What can I say - time is a healler. People who are insensitive to animals, they're cruel to people as well. We are all creatures of Allah.
27 March 2010 00:09
thank you for your nice words mate.
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