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rain in tangier
24 October 2008 16:20
Hello all,
I heard something about a catastrophy in Tangier... does anyone have any news?
24 October 2008 21:14
I have some news, but not really in the area of Tangier...

In fact, it was in the areas of Oujda... There was floods and such...

The country doesnt have the infrastructure for so much rain...
24 October 2008 22:52
Yes its was on the news last night ,up to 1m high

24 October 2008 23:20
yes 1.67m allah ya3tina ashta 3ala gad anefa3 better 7khatarate 3ala fayadanate ou gh3arakh7ate

yarab Arham 3ebadake
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24 October 2008 23:56

According to tonight tv news it is 197m, a real catastrophe bearing in mind that our infrastructure cannot even bear 20 percent of this...

According to Medi1, 14 people died in tangiers, tetuan and Nador...allah ir'hamhoum...

that's it
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
26 October 2008 17:34
did you see this

27 October 2008 09:59
catastrophic !!!

tKS for sharing
27 October 2008 11:56
Thanx all for the info.
28 October 2008 01:44
Thank you Atlas for sharing those clips. They are really shoking; one wouldn't think its Morocco.

I am going to Marrakech and Casa this weekend hope its dry there.

Regards to you all

Allah yarhamhom ajma3een
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