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TV in Ramadan
18 September 2007 15:03
what do you guys watch during lRamadan? i'm talking of course to those of you who have the satellite and have access to arab TV channels. Personally, i find all programmes but Moroccan ones in particular terribly mediocre if not pathetic! i can't believe we're actually broadcasting those programmes on international sattelites for other nations to watch!! i have tried watching every single programme not to be unfair to anyone and really, not a single one was of an acceptable level. It's like they take people for idiots, and yet when it comes to humour and jokes, Moroccans and unbeatable. I am now giving up on watching Moroccan TV and started scanning other channels but so far, nothing has caught my attention. what about you??
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
19 September 2007 14:27
Hi Minniemouse

i totally agree with u, we are very fortunate only arabs can watch our TV, and their broadcastings are as mediocre as ours, except some minor programs... it's a real punishment.. i remember the time when we could only watch RTM,it was really torturing our senses ...
29 September 2007 02:24
The Moroccan TV is great this year with ...
Sidi Ahmed, Mahadi, Trika
Orange Morocccan Film Great Movie
Al Qadia

How about the Boutfounast et les 40 voleurs with Da Hmad ?
You just have to get the TV guide..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/29/2007 02:28 by myoracle.
30 September 2007 00:21
Abderradouf is boring as hell! i think Moroccans need to grow up! we have this idea that if you play the clown and look like an idiot, you are funny. That is so naive and not funny at all.

Don't know about the other series but i did watch Alawni a couple of times and i quite enjoyed it mainly because it comes with a meaning. They talk about important issues that affect citizens and present it in a humouristic way. I liked the jokes and the acting was good, especially the marrakchi woman married to the short old guy grinning smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
30 September 2007 04:09
I don't watch TV since 2002. I spend max 2 hours per month watching TV. And then just to watch Discovery Channel or National Geographic Channel. To be honest there is nothing to watch and there is no more shame it seems. Try to watch a Moroccan movie with your family and you'll see what I mean.

I spend my free time watching Manga series (Anime). At least there is a story and you can't wait to see the next episode. winking smiley

3 October 2007 15:33
I totally agree with you... the 'sitcoms' aren't funny at all!! And so childish.All the other programs and movies are boring. I'm sorry, can't stand them. grinning smiley

And hitman, you're right about watching (moroccan) tv with your parents. I can't do that either!
3 October 2007 16:19
Hi. I watched a movie yesterday on 2M "Ragged" it was fantastic!! I've read and heard critics praising the film but i didn't expect it to be that good, i was really impressed!

I also watch Rhimou on sundays, it's good fun.

it's funny, i opened this post to critisize moroccan TV and here i am throwing flowers and sweets at it now. Ok i must admit, i was unfair, it's not all bad but there is still a lot to improve smiling smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
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