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The reading corner
13 July 2007 16:52
right, i finished the Adrial Mole sequel..laughed my heart out while reading it, it was so enjoyable..

I am now reading "A history of the arab people" by Albert Hourani. Only started it last night and it looks quite interesting..I will try to quote some extracts if i come across anything interesting.
3 August 2007 04:24

just finished reading harry potter, and i enjoyed it a lot, especially the end.
Il faut se garder de trois fautes : parler sans y être invité, ce qui est impertinence ; ne pas parler quand on y est invité, ce qui est de la dissimulation ; parler sans observer les réactions de l'autre, ce qui est de l'aveuglement. [Confucius]
3 August 2007 10:14
Hey Aela, glad to see you back in the english forum winking smiley are you back from Canada?? how did it go?

So you're a harry potter fan? I have never read a book and I remember sleeping halfthrough the first movie lol. it just didn't do it for me, not because i think the book is for kids, I love fairy tales and still read them but this stpry in particular didn't impress me...maybe it was all the frenzy that the media created, it sort of put me off the whole thing smiling smiley
3 August 2007 16:16
Hey Aela, glad to see you back in the english forum winking smiley are you back from Canada?? how did it go?

So you're a harry potter fan? I have never read a book and I remember sleeping halfthrough the first movie lol. it just didn't do it for me, not because i think the book is for kids, I love fairy tales and still read them but this stpry in particular didn't impress me...maybe it was all the frenzy that the media created, it sort of put me off the whole thing smiling smiley

hi minnie, i'm not back yet....i'll be back on monday inchaallah and sets off for morocco.

and true, i'm a huge fan of harry potter and i've read them all. she can write mrs Rowling and she,s nice to read, her style is not too childish (like the world of narnia's sequels) and the detais of the plot are so well put together that once you know the end you find that it fits perfectly well and u wonder how you couldn't find that out for yourself before ending the book.

i've bought myself another book but i hvane't started it yet: the title is black like me by john howard griffin. apparenty it tells the true story of a white man blacking his skin completely and going into the segragated south in the usa.i'll tell you what i think about it when i'm done.

take care for now minnie, bye.
Il faut se garder de trois fautes : parler sans y être invité, ce qui est impertinence ; ne pas parler quand on y est invité, ce qui est de la dissimulation ; parler sans observer les réactions de l'autre, ce qui est de l'aveuglement. [Confucius]
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