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Reel Bad Arabs
19 October 2007 23:38
"Reel" isn't a typo here, in case you were wondering, because this is an interesting exposé on the image of Arabs in Hollywood. The author takes us from the beginning of cinema to today's cartoons.
Here's a link to the video (needs RealPlayer) and the text version :


20 October 2007 14:33
Thank you chelhman

Very interesting links
20 October 2007 16:19
hello chelhman,well me too,i am chlehwomen,manik atgite labas dark,.

well when it come's to arabs immage i actully dont care,but still good to see you here,atarwa netamazirtino (tm)
22 October 2007 20:09
Hi Souado,

Ifoulki ghâssâdsmiling smiley
Actually, when it comes to Americans in general, I'm sure they wouldn't see the difference between a chel7 and an Arab, a towel-head is a towel-head, try explaining to one the cultural nuances between peoples in the Maghreb when WE speak at least three languages and discern between a Brit, an Australian, a South African, and the different phonetical nuances in the American accents, now...who's the smart one ?smiling smiley
This is the world of reverse darwinism, only the dummest get to be ahead it seems...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/22/2007 08:13 by chelhman.
23 October 2007 15:13
Hi Souado,

Ifoulki ghâssâdsmiling smiley
Actually, when it comes to Americans in general, I'm sure they wouldn't see the difference between a chel7 and an Arab, a towel-head is a towel-head, try explaining to one the cultural nuances between peoples in the Maghreb when WE speak at least three languages and discern between a Brit, an Australian, a South African, and the different phonetical nuances in the American accents, now...who's the smart one ?smiling smiley
This is the world of reverse darwinism, only the dummest get to be ahead it seems...

i coulden't be more agrre.

and still the amazighs are the smarter thumbs upevil

yak be3da atarwa netamazirt ino
24 October 2007 09:52
Amazigh ?
What´s this ?
Hier in California never heard. It´s food, a place, a fish,
A dinosaure name....
It´sounds like a place in china or india....
24 October 2007 09:56
Amazigh ?
What´s this ?
Hier in California never heard. It´s food, a place, a fish,
A dinosaure name....
It´sounds like a place in china or india....
24 October 2007 11:16

Amazigh ?
What´s this ?
Hier in California never heard. It´s food, a place, a fish,
A dinosaure name....
It´sounds like a place in china or india....

It's an omnivorous biped species, the male is usually smaller than the female who tends to balloon up when hitting 40 years old, which is when the male starts seeking another younger mate but is easily deterred when hit over the head by the matriarch.
Can be very agressive during mating season which is...well...always.
It's a matriarchal species, although the male thinks otherwise, but the female lets him believe that in order to further control the household.
Has a stunning adaptibility to its surroundings, some specimens established in Europe and northern America have managed to blend in and reproduce quite successfully.
Has a language which was thought to be just giberish by the Romans, hence the name Berbers, meaning barbarians.

Brought to you by the Fox Documentary Channel and our sponsor Advil...
24 October 2007 13:46
You mean dangerous species? and some live in the US. It´s time to inform Home security office....
24 October 2007 19:41

Amazigh ?
What´s this ?
Hier in California never heard. It´s food, a place, a fish,
A dinosaure name....
It´sounds like a place in china or india....

It's an omnivorous biped species, the male is usually smaller than the female who tends to balloon up when hitting 40 years old, which is when the male starts seeking another younger mate but is easily deterred when hit over the head by the matriarch.
Can be very agressive during mating season which is...well...always.
It's a matriarchal species, although the male thinks otherwise, but the female lets him believe that in order to further control the household.
Has a stunning adaptibility to its surroundings, some specimens established in Europe and northern America have managed to blend in and reproduce quite successfully.
Has a language which was thought to be just giberish by the Romans, hence the name Berbers, meaning barbarians.

Brought to you by the Fox Documentary Channel and our sponsor Advil...

sure this people dont know anything about amazighs.thumbs down
25 October 2007 08:41
Dear Souado
Can you please teach us about Amazighs.
25 October 2007 14:19
dear karim i would be so happy

first thing to do is to type word amazighs,on the likn google,and you will be served thumbs up

how is this about teaching evil
25 October 2007 14:21
dear karim
try on google (tm)
nice learning sweety Angel
26 October 2007 05:05
I don't think this is going to stop any time soon, or is it? The smartest, the best...You know it's more helpful when one is the best and not just thinks he or she is!For that matter nobody is! While we're at this, who is really reaping the fruits! shmacks from the Highlands in France or elsewhere, who enjoy the berber-arab bickerings...
There's more to work on than empty words!
26 October 2007 09:02
dear karim i would be so happy

first thing to do is to type word amazighs,on the likn google,and you will be served thumbs up

how is this about teaching evil

Dear Souad...........o,

[fficial&hs=SSy" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" >]

I looked at this google site and Tamazight is not on the list as a language. It is not the case for Arabic.

What is wrong with google.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/2007 09:05 by Krim.
26 October 2007 12:58
what is the point of having these hollow ethnic debates?you better than me , me better than you ,are we in a playground? it is a bit childish and extremely pathetique, others landed on the moon and we , still dragued down with such conversations , and racial hateress

what a shame !!!
2 November 2007 16:01
what is the point of having these hollow ethnic debates?you better than me , me better than you ,are we in a playground? it is a bit childish and extremely pathetique, others landed on the moon and we , still dragued down with such conversations , and racial hateress

what a shame !!!

Thanks sister, add me to your position : this is an extremely pathetic debate.
2 November 2007 20:33
whats the added value to know (for n american or westener in general) who is a chelh compared to an ethiopian !!!

I am a son a chelf parent and a arab one, and i think those subjects by mr chelhman are futile and they just look to create hatered.

like those people dealing with kids
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
2 November 2007 20:40
l9bi7, I was just kidding with Krim, please keep your sanctimonious speeches to yourself.
3 November 2007 01:51

It's not nice of you to take Souado for a ride and drop her in the middle of the road!smiling smiley
I know, where you stand and where Chelhman stands on this issue and I was enjoying the joke the two of you were having, but I was sure some one would misunderstand the exchanges.
I am also half half, but don't really think in terms of Arab and Amazigh...
3 November 2007 16:09
in any joke there is a bit of truth.

and those jokes are really nonsense !

when they ask where are u from, they mean you COUNTRY not the genealogy !
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
4 November 2007 22:13

when they ask where are u from, they mean you COUNTRY not the genealogy !

This is a moroccan website, 99.9 % of contributors are moroccans, so when someone asks where you're from and you say Morocco, the first reaction would be...DUH !
No harm in sharing the specifics of our origins amongst ourselves, we are a multicultural country.
5 November 2007 09:26
Dear Yani
I do not know who drop who. I was the last in replying.
I wanted to comment on what 19bi7 is delivring here then I decided not.
He should just know we are still human on this earth and we need some times mental oxygen.
To Souado and to Chelhman
No joke anymore please some are to serious in this forum. We apologize if we made anyone unhappy.


It's not nice of you to take Souado for a ride and drop her in the middle of the road!smiling smiley
I know, where you stand and where Chelhman stands on this issue and I was enjoying the joke the two of you were having, but I was sure some one would misunderstand the exchanges.
I am also half half, but don't really think in terms of Arab and Amazigh...
5 November 2007 15:10

when they ask where are u from, they mean you COUNTRY not the genealogy !

This is a moroccan website, 99.9 % of contributors are moroccans, so when someone asks where you're from and you say Morocco, the first reaction would be...DUH !
No harm in sharing the specifics of our origins amongst ourselves, we are a multicultural country.

grow up kid.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
5 November 2007 16:24

grow up kid

Tryingsmiling smiley
6 November 2007 06:49
I agree with you, At times, we need to scale down on seriousness and have some fun!It's a pity at times, we are too sensitive as to clearly catch a moment of fun and fly with it...
Really no harm in having fun, matter of fact it's much needed given all the idiotic waves of nonsensical news we face everyday.
To Laughter,
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