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Relation Marocaine - Quebecois
3 September 2006 21:27
I know that this subject has already been discussed but I m so confused and frustrated and I need your opinion concerning my situation. I have been living in Quebec for so long about 15 yrs I never ever dated a non Muslim man before during my entire life, but every time I get to know a Moroccan Muslim I get disappointed that now I don’t want to know them anyone. Lately I find myself falling in love with my coworker Christian Quebecois I have never been treated with so much love and respect the way he treats me we have been hanging out of work together and feelings have been developed from both parts I m not sure if what I m doing is right or wrong anymore all I know is that when I m with him I feel happy and safe --- should I follow my heart and enjoy the feeling of being in love or should I use my brain and put an end to it.
PS: my family don’t know anything about it and as every traditional Moroccan family it will be very hard for them to accept this kind of relationship.
I need you opinion please.
Thanks in advance.
3 September 2006 23:48
sweet_angel_74, I'd say, follow your heart. The point is to be happy, same thing goes for your family, I suppose they'd rather see you happy with a non-muslim than miserable with a muslim. There's always time later on for him to get used to our customs.

My father used to tell us when asked about those matters:
"you're the one who's going to live with him/her, not me, so it's your decision and allah y 3aounkoum".
4 September 2006 01:00
Sweet_angel I will also say follow your heart. U are a muslim urself Alhamdulillah and as a muslimah you should be doing your best to please Allah SWT.

Sweet_angel, before you get any deeper in this relationship remember that Allah SWT put us through the trials of this life to know those amongst us who are sincere to him. This is one of those tests angel_heart and if u put ur trust in Allah and do your best to obey him, you can be sure that you will be rewarded in the best way possible. Maybe ur past experiences with muslim men were not good but beleive me sweet_heart, if you rely on Allah SWT and only him let him chose for you he will reward you with a good muslim man who fears Allah and who will sincerely love you and care for you.

Sweet_angel, we are all human beings and as such we all have weaknesses, there is nothing wrong with the feelings you have for that man however you should remember that Allah SWT gave us brains to think about our actions. If we are not patient and follow anything we like there will no longer be any difference between us and animals who were not given the ability to think for themselves. Sweet_angel, think of your parents who have sacrificed so much to make you what you are today and think of what Allah SWT said in the Quran regarding them. Allah SWT said clearly in the Quran that after obeying him we should obey our parents, so please don't put yourself in a situation where u don't just disobey your parents but you disobey your creator as well. I don't want to be harsh to you sweet angel, but I feel I have to tell you the truth about this matter. It is actually haram for muslim women to marry non-muslim men so I beg you not to fall in that mistake

Sweet_angel think of the future, may Allah forbid if this relationship gets serious and you get to have children with this man you will be in a terrible situation. You will not be able to raise them as muslims and there will also be arguments between you and him about how to go about raising them. Please save yourself all those troubles by putting an end to it right now. I know it's hard to break one's heart but the longer you stay with him the harder it will get.

To sum up, there shouldn't be any conflict with what's in your brain and what's in your heart. If you fill your heart with the love of Allah SWT and empty it from this temporary desire you have for that man, your mind will naturally follow. Sweet_angel, may Allah be with you through this difficult test and I hope you will pass it and I know you will because Alhamdulillah your heart is still alive otherwise u wouldn't have any worries about it.

Sweet_angel you are my sister and Islam and I sincerely wish you the best

PS: I hope that what Allah SWT and his prophet said is more important than what chelhman father's said.
4 September 2006 03:33
I totally agree with Chelhman in what he said. Go easy with the family, try to make them meet this guy, may be as a friend or a coworker first, let them see the kind of person he is and get use to him, yes, it’s your decision, after all you are the one who’s going to live with him, but it’s wonderful if you can have mom and Dad on board. It’s always hard to achieve that, but in most cases, because they care about you happiness, they always end up understanding.
I hope you won’t get many negative feedbacks in this regard, if this man makes you feel the way you said he does, and our jerks treated you so bad, they can go….

Good luck to you,
4 September 2006 03:42

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/04/2006 04:41 by Pseudo007.
4 September 2006 04:03
"No sister it's forbidden to even date non Muslims let alone marry them...balabla.." Should you hear these words, please don't feel hurt and rub them off of your head!

I say go for what makes you feel safe and loved. There's nothing like that! The myth of marrying from your own is jsut that! And if you're not respected, my dear, you'll never feel loved. You're courageous to ask for suggestions or advice and I've got your back should any one disrespect you in this regard.

Follow the corazon and be a model for this guy and may be you'll get more rewards in showing him who we really are as a people. As far as, muslims are concerned, I don't speak for all, but I can see lots of them here married to muslim sisters that they treat like dirt!That repulses me...becaue there's nothing islamic about that!
4 September 2006 17:36


PS: I hope that what Allah SWT and his prophet said is more important than what chelhman father's said.

Why don't you leave my father out of this. If you have something to say, I'm right here. As for your advice for sweet_angel_74, this isn't a mosque, go preach elsewhere.
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