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Release for Morocco blogger jailed as royal critic
12 September 2008 12:00
A court released an Internet blogger Thursday while he appeals a two-year prison sentence for allegedly criticizing Morocco's king, the official news agency said.

Mohamed Erraji was fined and sentenced to prison earlier this week for "lacking respect toward the person of the king and the royal family," the MAP agency said. It said prosecutors at the appeals court in Agadir, on Morocco's southern coast, agreed with giving Erraji a provisional release.

Other media said the blogger had criticized state-funded programs in this North African nation, including those sponsored by King Mohammed VI, for not being well-run.

The Paris-based rights groups Reporters Without Borders said in a statement Thursday that Erraji was "not guilty of insulting the king" and praised the decision to release him.

"The Moroccan judicial system must now hear his appeal in a proper manner," the Paris-based watchdog said in a statement. "We hope the outcome will be fair."

A relatively liberal Muslim kingdom and a strong U.S. ally, Morocco has tried to loosen its political system over the past decade.

It has held legislative elections considered among the most fair in the Arab world, and local media enjoy a measure of freedom. But some topics remain sensitive and are rarely reported on, such the king's personal life, the institution of the monarchy and the role of Islam in Morocco.
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
12 September 2008 14:01
The freedom of speech is relatively new in Morocco and it is rather funny that as soon as the government authorised the nation to express their concerns; the first thing that they preferred to try their freedom on, is insulting and disrespecting the ruler.
There is a famous Moroccan saying “don’t bite the hand that is feeding you”.

With the bureaucracy the nation experienced in the passed (algalb wa riya tayeb) it is expected to see these kind of punishment and even worse because we are not Europe.
I witness here in the UK how they disrespect the monarchy, criticised them, and interfere in their private lives; just because they are free to express them selves. That is wrong.
Our nation needs education and political education in particular.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
12 September 2008 17:10

let me disagree with you Adds on this, nobody can grant such rights as freedom of speech, it is a fundamental right, endowed ...the government can not even authorize itself to have a bit of use, it is there to serve as a show window, like elections, meanwhile ministers take salaries they don't work for...

you know, criticizing whoever it was doesn't mean insulting and disrespecting him/her, especially when it concerns issues such as managing public affairs and money ...and that is what the guy did. As far as there is a certain political responsibility at stake, we should except criticism, especially if it is about a system that is incompatible with social justice and dignity..

Also, criticism is different from interfering with private affairs, as happens frequently in the UK,i agree with that is very negative....
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
13 September 2008 00:28
smiling smileyI see your point adds but do agree with Hisham. Bye Why should freedom of speech be something relatively new anyway? The system does not and must not have a monopoly on freedom of speech and expression. Al hokooma has no right to grant and withdraw the right of speech whenever they see fit. In fact we, as citizens, should have more control over which we allow and give the privilege, to be in the position to, in turn allow us that freedom. My goodness, a decade after the death of Hassan and we are still struggling to have a single fair election. Oh

Adds, I don’t see how we are being fed by the system when we are the ones who are keeping the system going. No one is feeding the Moroccans; Moroccans are feeding or struggling to feed themselves. Just imagine if the entire immigrant (excluding myself) community withdraw all that money they are keen to deposit in Moroccan banks, the whole system will collapse. In others we are maintaining the system alive, our money and sweat is the blood line which keeps totalitarianism alive and fed, not the other way round.sad smiley

I remember few years ago when I used to stand at Hyde Park corner listening to people speaking their mind and would wonder how the hell we can’t have just a tiny bit of this. As Hisham said, criticism is a healthy thing, without it you can not progress and advance. That’s why we can not catch up with these lots. I know the standards have fallen dramatically and things gotten quite bad sine 9/11 but still…..

I personally think royal families are a primitive concept and need to be abolished. I am not surprised the British speak against their royals who cost them millions in entertainment, flights and fixing leaking roofs.smiling smiley

Sorry adds but this subject does my head-in, I try as much as I can not to get involved but at time you have too perplexe
13 September 2008 11:29
freedom of speech is an elementary right for everyone,and everybody can do it (for free)
nobody's perfect,king or not we must accept critics to progress and change thingssmiling smiley
look a "les guignoles" in France,it's very funny and critics everyonegrinning smiley
Fortunately we have Internetsmiling smiley
14 September 2008 19:56
I used to love politics and was very passionate about the subject (this topic used to be one of my favorites back home). With an empty stomack reminds me of Moroccan jails... the ftour is soon. I have just cut some fresh mint for my tea pot.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
18 September 2008 15:47
Mohamed Erraji is Free

Thursday September 18th. The court of appeals in Agadir has overturned the decision by the court of first instance and has decided to abandon all charges against blogger Mohamed Erraji.

"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
18 September 2008 17:33
Better late than never ! the Moroccan way ........the damage is done now
19 September 2008 00:43
All what we need is patience, the system is slow but it is responding to the external influences (American, French, British and even the Spanish)
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
5 October 2008 06:43
Dear Yabiladi.

I really do believe that this Mr Mohamed Erraji, is just an idiot who wnats to make a name for himself by blogging against the King.Why he does not blogge against the ills of the Moroccan society, like prostitution,parliament,corruption,the local meggaddem and cheikh, walli,the lack of child protection in Morocco...This king like his father before him, are not responsible for everything bad that happened in Morocco, We do, the Moroccans are the responasible ones,You Mr Mohamed Erraji is responsible too.blame your bad days on your local governement,which is ripping you off. The king does not have a damn thing to do with it. I will add, if it was not for this king, and his dad before him (allah yarahmou), Mr Erraji you will not have a chance to blogge, because you will not have an internet,high speed modems, or ATM machines. You will still be eating dirt. So thank your king for what you have,He is trying very hard to pull Morocco from dark ages,He is building roads, bridges, communications towers, airports....So mister just shut up and don't be irresponsible,people like you destroyed countries, Just look at Irak and its khaouanas.
Thank you yabiladi
6 October 2008 17:14

I don't know what's the matter with us Moroccans calling the first person with whom we disagree idiot or stupid, even people supposed to be posting in a forum, putting forward their point of views, discussing, debating, the guy doesn't even know that you exist and you call him idiot, anyway...

what does this 'blogging against" mean, is it "plotting against" you mean? the guy just wrote an article in a online newspaper, he was sentenced to two years jails, than released by the same foolish court, few days you think this was to happen if it was not a decision from the highest authority in the country, meaning the royal institution was behind the decision to release this guy, this was also the case in many cases before, so don't be more "british than british people themselves" ..Also, when did moroccans eat dirt before ? are you moroccan yourself ? and do you think that building a road can you give back your dignity? do you think that a high speed modem is an achievement of a country of 33 Million people ? a state of 20 centuries ? Clap

wow man, i thought i was reading a back to the future post, we are in the 21st century and slavery was abolished centuries ago !!!
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
8 October 2008 16:55
It is very funny, on a post of freedom of speech to call the article writer idiot but also believe he is; that is something else.
Our nation has to speak up about their pain and just hope for someone to lessen. The worse and most annoying noise is that very faint and small ticking, clicking or banging it can drive people mad.
Soon or later someone in charge will listen, will read the articles, will accept and even respond to them. To do that we need to be focused, the messages have to be clear and to the point. We have to be polite all the time to not turn the readers away.
However my main concern is the lack of understanding politics in our country will lead to lots of sad cases of unjust decisions and unfair condemnations both from the nation and the governemnt.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
11 February 2009 00:57
Dear Zilak ,If you are not ashamed,you can say what you want.As in arabic in lam tasthyi faf3al ma chiata.
11 February 2009 06:48
I don't get it. How come the guy from Bakchich is getting away with his very explicite caricatures and this guy is getting time in jail. I am not taking a stand on the subject, just wondering.
13 February 2009 23:03
Well said Mr Zilak!

I am proud of you. It is time someone stood for the man who is working very hard for us. Like his father and his gandfather before him (Rahimahum Allah), they put Morocco on the map. They stayed in morocco nad faced the music. Mohamed the 6th has done more in 5 years than anyone else in 50. Give the man his respect.
We the cretics left morocco and have done nothing for it except bringing it down. Instead of rememering our country in a good way, we seem to do nothing but bring it down at the drop of a hat. It is time that they encouraged investment and created jobs for our wonderful people. Leave the king alone. He is doing a very good job.
Matimsakchi Bladi!
thanks. A
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