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Return 2 Morocco
29 January 2009 10:24
Je m'adresse à tous ceux et celles qui on tourné la page de la vie felghorba,en france ou ailleurs, ou qui comptent le faire bientot,je souhaite avoir vos temoignages,vos experiences et les difficultés que vous avez rencontrer pour accomplir la transition.Et enfin si le retour au pays vous a apporté le bonheur escompté.
30 January 2009 10:34
take care and all the best for your future.
see you later mateBye
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
30 January 2009 19:56
Bien venu au club

si tu rentres au bled avec un projet en beton ca marche car le Maroc est devenu Eldorado pour les investisseurs.tu te feras ta place parmis la haute.
si tu rentres pour chercher du travail alors la, reste ou tu es ,rien qu avoir devant le parlement tous ces jeunes diplomés en quetent d emploi ca te fait fliper.
Notre pays a besoin d elites et d investisseurs
Il y a beaucoup de choses a faire ici car notre pays est jeune
Pour te donner un exemple .Aux usa et en Europe ,la crise s est installée pour un bon bout de temps
Ici on ne connait , elle s est arretée a la frontiere.
Rien qu a voir ces derniers 4x4 en double v et ces gens qui consomment aux grandes surfaces,tu te crois aux usa dans les années de prosperitées.
Bien sur tout le monde n'est pas logé a la meme enseigne,il y a encore de la misere,mais je ne connais pas un pays au monde qui ne connait pas ce probleme.
4 March 2009 13:12
I think it is a good idea to go back to Morocco even if you want to look for a job.
If you are working in some domains which are well demanded like (Telecoms, IT,...), It will be very easy for you to find something.
You have to be know that Morocco is not Europe and you have to deal with people there differently.
It will not be easy for you in the begining but if you are motivated, all will be fine.

Good luck

11 March 2009 14:47
if u ever think that going back is easier, then u d be in major denial.
going back is hard as hell, getting used to things being done the moroccan way takes a long time. and just get it in ur head that they know nothing about the word organization.
when it comes to getting a job, it s mostly about who do u know, wich sucks big time. and i speak from experience, people got scared just looking at my cv. if u have a master and a good experience they say that they can t pay u what you really deserve, so basically u re left with a ''shitty'' paycheck at the end of the month, which reminds u of when u got ur first job that paid pennies.

but hey good luck
11 March 2009 21:03
You must be crazy to go back to Morocco, people are moving out of the country and u want to move back.
13 April 2009 06:53
Dear bekheer

I am going to start by saying that I love Morocco very much, I go visit it once a year,But I can not live there. or work there.I left Morocco when I was a kid,when I went back the first time,I did not like manythings,everything changed on me, that innocense,the buildings,the streets,everything, I try to remember the old Morocco, not the new Morocco.Old Morocco makes me smile, the new Morocco makes me wonder.But I still and I still love it, and I miss it,I always wich the best for Morocco. If you stayed outside Morocco for a longtime,I don't think you will like it if you go back, and try to live and work with people,they will drive you crazy.Everything is upside down.I live in the US,and I find people in America are more conservatif and Moraly bound then the people in Morocco ( I am not trying to put Moroccans down,or make a political attack), I am just stayting my feeling about things.after one week in Morocco, I am ready to go back to America,where my home is,where I feel safe.For me is just like I am in love with two drop dead gorgeous women,one is Morocco,The other one is America.I love them to death, and I don't want nothing bad happen to them.So that is my experience Mr bekheer.wish the best.
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