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Ibn Rushd
10 February 2007 16:39
Here's a website where you can find the complete works of Ibn Rushd, the man who sparked the Renaissance. It's available in different formats, different languages.
I'd say he's one of the last true muslims, it all went downhill after that.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2007 06:35 by chelhman.
11 February 2007 01:05
I just copy/past this from your link.

In his last chapter Averroës summarizes his views about religion. There are three possible views. A Sceptical view that religion is opium for the people, held by certain Greek rationalists; the view that religion expresses Absolute Truth; and the intermediate view, held by Averroës, that the religious conceptions are the symbols of a higher philosophical truth, symbols which have to be taken for reality itself by the non-philosophers. For the unphilosophical, however, they are binding, since the sanctity of the State depends on them.
11 February 2007 22:53
Actually Krim, credit goes to you for getting me interested in the man, it was one of your posts that got me hookedsmiling smiley
12 February 2007 04:46
Thanks for the link... Useful indeed!

Wish I had more time to jump in some "de"bates"..., but I soon will. Keep holding down the fort guys!

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