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The Shock Doctrine
19 September 2007 00:34
The Shock Doctrine is a very interesting approach by Naomi Klein (NoLogo) of the world economy and currents events, you can watch the full interview at Democracynow here :


or go here if the video link doesn't initiate :

19 September 2007 09:56
Hi Chelhman, thanks for posting this. I don't know if i clicked on the right link but your first link didn't work and when i clicked on the 2nd one, the only video was of the short film made by Alfonso Cuaron commenting on the theory explored in the book, which didn't make a lot of sense to me since i didn't read the book. I went on google to read more about it but there are various sources and lots of criticism about the writer being an anti-capitalist and presenting false arguments to diminish the emerging economies such as China and Japan..I don't want to make a judgment based on stuff said by others but i'd like to read the book first and make a personal opinion.
Did you read the book and what's your view on it?
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
19 September 2007 14:47
I read that this theory is related somehow the the military power, are we talkinga bout the same theory? I'm kind of confused after I saw the video perplexe
19 September 2007 14:52
Hi Minniemouse,

The link does work, I just tried it again, but you need to have RealPlayer installed on your PC. The second link also gets you to the page with the written interview, just tried it also. Under the title, click on "Watch 256k stream" to see the video.
I haven't read the book yet, it's just out in the US, Naomi Klein is touring as we speak.
If you have anymore trouble opening the link, let me know.

P.S : you'll find RealPlayer here :
19 September 2007 16:58
Thanks Chelhman, I have real on my computer but for some reason the video didnt initiate. will try again later
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
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