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Sick behavior of MRE on vacation back home
21 June 2007 16:30
The season of migration again!
It’s great to see Moroccans back to their hometowns. Good for the moral, for the economy (and for the police)! HOWEVER, thousands of MRE, mainly residents in southern parts of Europe can't quit the nasty habit of spending their monies on drugs, alcohol and prostitution. They spread immorality and cause many innocents to be killed in road accidents. I've seen this happens mainly in Beni-Mellal area, where many cheerleaders (usually under 16) get raped, thousands of gallons of alcohol consumed (Thanks to Royal superstores chain) and unusual cases of street and domestic violence registered. All this because our friends, the sexually frustrated MREs wants to have some fun!
This is getting more and more wicked every year. Does Morocco deserve this?
Apart from dumping them all in a cesspool before they even get to Moroccan ports, what else could be done?
21 June 2007 17:25
Well, hopefully this is a small percentage of MREs, right?
Like it says "show me the money!" our country evolves around FLOUSS, from the moment you step at the port or airport up to the politicians...
the guy who sells drugs, or alcohol finds it a source of income during the summer, they charge more, etc.
by dropping them in a cesspool, won't help, many others will be born.
Now tell me how many morroccans do you know, and are proud of their friendship? lots.
how many do you think, if they return home, they can make our country better? some.
how many intelligent moroccans do you know? I am sure many.
But these "good" moroccans won't go back and change the place, because the thing is already "filthy" it's just like a cesspool.
So maybe there is no answer. I wish there was, really.
23 June 2007 02:28
Filthy,swampy, rotten, trashy, cruddy, crappy, ...the whole country is a big cesspool, and those MRE you're talking about are just a specimen of the sewage they came from, i wonder what makes us think Morocco is a moslem country?
24 June 2007 02:10
Hi all,

I thought from the title you were talking about the dirt MREs leave behind all the way down home, in France and more of it in Spain. This is the beginning of it really. Those who travel from Northern Europe can see the difference!!! As soon as you get to the south of France, you start enjoying what Moroccans leave behind. It's sad really because in Spain, some of the petrole stations just lock the toilets because a few Moroccan cockroaches can't even leave the place clean... So most of us have to pay for it. I mean, we're supposed to be the cleanest community in the world, as Moslems... Our dear brothers just mess around and drive like crazy : who's gonna get first to Algesiras...

As per what you reveal, all of us know that it's a Moroccan sickness that goes on all the year around, it's just ampliflied during summer. How do you think bars and discos live on ? Nowadays, you can even just be standing up waiting for someone and get approched by some fish (sorry ladies) coz they want to take advantage from you.... And as you say, lots of our lads take advantage from the poverty and encourage local girls to fall into prostitution, sometimes for not even a fiver... It's a shame and it happens in our country. But to answer shelby's question there's no doubt of Morocco being a Moslem country, it's just that moslems in Morocco have to shut up....and mind their business, unfortunately...
25 June 2007 20:37
Filthy,swampy, rotten, trashy, cruddy, crappy, ...the whole country is a big cesspool, and those MRE you're talking about are just a specimen of the sewage they came from, i wonder what makes us think Morocco is a moslem country?

Shelby, Morocco is a cesspool governed by corrupt moslems. Otherwise, how the heck can we explain that Morocco is a one of the worst 3rd world countries, being only 15 kms from the developped world?

If Morocco were truly a Moslem country, than these sick Moroccans we're talking about are would be castrated by now.

You could call Morocco all the names in the world, and it's never enough. We need a new management, new guides, new everything. How about a true Moslem mangement. We've never tried that before!
26 June 2007 00:14
Filthy,swampy, rotten, trashy, cruddy, crappy, ...the whole country is a big cesspool, and those MRE you're talking about are just a specimen of the sewage they came from, i wonder what makes us think Morocco is a moslem country?

Shelby, Morocco is a cesspool governed by corrupt moslems. Otherwise, how the heck can we explain that Morocco is a one of the worst 3rd world countries, being only 15 kms from the developped world?

If Morocco were truly a Moslem country, than these sick Moroccans we're talking about are would be castrated by now.

You could call Morocco all the names in the world, and it's never enough. We need a new management, new guides, new everything. How about a true Moslem mangement. We've never tried that before!

26 June 2007 02:36
that's right Mr Gloom!
let's start by ourselves then !
26 June 2007 21:23
Well Shelby, I do my best, and I'm probably not doing enough; but I'm sincere in my prayers and I do always pray that some day, Morocco will be governed by some true Muslims. I want to be able to think of Morocco and say Alhamdulillah I am from Morocco. I want to feel proud when I use my Moroccan passport. I want to see Moroccan kids being able to eat, sleep and go to shool. I want to see mothers being able to feed their kids without having to sell their bodies, I want to see Moroccans treated BETTER than filthy tourists. I want to see most politicians, cops, gendarmes, customs officers rotten with some deadly deseases, and on and on and on...
Everything is possible InshaAllah.
27 June 2007 03:21
you got that right Gloom, and especially the tourist issue, what is it worth to attract 10 million tourist if our moroccan fellas aren't treated respectfully while a rotten frenchie pork-eater is treated like a king and everybody bends to salute him !!! knowing that most tourists who come to Morocco are looking for sexual pleasure and nothing would convince me by saying no it's the sun and sand and some stupid & humiliating berber folklor (no offense folks) who dance for them to show how "rich" our culture is !!
27 June 2007 14:30
Totally agree with you Shelby. Sooner or later, the king and his Co will realise that these filthy non Moroccan tourists shouldn't be considered as Saints and that preference and special attention are due to Moroccans first, just like any other rational nation treats its citizens. These Frenchies don't care about the Moroccan sun. There's sun everywhere even in the North Pole. They come to Morocco to explore the easy flesh; Take a look at the Moroccan TV programs, all full of implicit invitations and cartes blanches to cheap Moroccan pleasure. What's happening in Morocco is what's been happening in some Carribean countries, where men and women are offering to be tourist slaves. They physically stop tourists and offer their slavey services. In Morocco, even kids have joined the parties. The police turn blind eyes on this, and I guess even the police sell their flesh, too! Many cops are affected with AIDS. Where the heck did they get it from? Either directly from these pork eaters or thru their wives, but the source is always the same. Come to Morocco, the land of pleasure!
I feel sad to talk about Berbers. These conservative communities, the so-called TRUE Moroccans are now being tossed into the corrupting machine. Why do you think all these Amazigh institutions, Berber TV news and research academies are there for. Believe it or not, you go to the remotest Berber tribe today, you'll find little girls dreaming of Taliaan (Italy)!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2007 08:02 by gloom.
28 June 2007 02:53
on the nose Mr Gloom !
28 June 2007 18:06
29 June 2007 18:47
not a problem... we know how to defend ourselves in Morroco...
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