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Why the Silence about Zarqawi?
10 June 2006 20:46
Since the death of Zarqawi, there’s an eerie silence not only in this forum, but in others, too, about what this story means to people. Even the ones who wrote about it, did with lots of reservation in my view. Is it fear? Are we becoming sympathetic to this kind of criminals who behead humans in front of world cameras? Did we get used to the hijacking of Islam by thugs that nothing shocks us any more or what?
For my part, and I said it other times, I’m glad this criminal is gone. This does not change my position on the war and occupation, both of which I’m against.
10 June 2006 21:15
There's actually a post in here on "actualités internationales", but as usual it's not real a debate, it's more like mud slinging.
As for Zarqawi, I'm glad he's dead too but given the current trend, I'm afraid it means another psycho may take over Terror Inc. in Irak and take the gore up a notch to make his mark.
These morons aren't defending iraqis, they're worse than the invaders, and they've managed to chase away a significant portion of anti-war sympathizers because of the gory videos they've been broadcasting.

The worse part is the damage he's done over here (Europe), I've seen Moroccans, in their 20's, actually cheering when the first beheading was released on the net, when I couldn't even stand the yelling of that poor kid before he was killed, let alone watch it.
It tells you how far the dehumanizing process has gone, when you can't feel empathy anymore when a human's throat is being slit, you're pretty far gone. At least, GI's come back with post traumatic stress and nightmares because of what they've done or witnessed, I don't think the likes of Zarqawi take Xanax at the end of their busy day.
11 June 2006 23:04
In the Dutch-Moroccan forums the discussion about this criminal is neverending. Everybody wants to share their opinion about this matter and ofcourse there are some (allthough they're in the minority) retards who think Zarqawi was a sincere muslim who stood up for the weak Iraqis. This morons don't realise that killing is not allowed by the Quran, especially if it involves innocent people.

I said ALHAMDOLILAH when I heard the news. I thoughtcryingThank you God. I hope that more of those extremist/murderers will follow and leave this earth.'

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2006 11:06 by Tifah.
12 June 2006 10:44
His death may not be such good news for the occupiers after all, it might coalesce the resistance :


And an article with a more thorough view that raises interesting questions :

12 June 2006 13:42
Hi Chelhman
Some months ago Ritter wrote an article about the US creating an Al Zarquaoui myth and ignoring the real Iraqui resistance. This was a way to keep telling the occupation of Irak is a part of the war on terrorism.
So the killing of this guy and the show is part of this campagain. This will not of cousre change the situation in Irak.
Thanks for the two links
12 June 2006 16:57
Hi Krim,

Yes, I remember that article from Scott Ritter, I think it was posted on, they did use Zarqawi as evidence to invade Iraq, saying Saddam was harboring him.
It seems to be a habit of the US, making up stuff that later blows up in their faces. Have you seen the "Power of Nightmares" ? It was a 3 parts documentary regarding the use of fear to govern, it was aired on the BBC.
Ben Laden and Al Qaida were covered extensively. It was on google video a while ago I'll try to find it and post the link here, it is definitely worth watching and saving since you can download stuff from google video. Actually, I'd advice downloading it, the quality is much better, you need google player for viewing, it's available on google video website.

There it is :




Part 1 covers the end of the cold war

Part 2 covers the muslim brotherhood and Islamism
Part 3 covers Islamism and Ben Laden

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2006 05:16 by chelhman.
12 June 2006 17:45
Good riddance,they should trow his F..k..head in a fosse septique.
13 June 2006 18:12
The psycho is dead, long live the psycho !

14 June 2006 10:03
Many thanks for the links dear chelhman.
I will take time to watch them all the evening at home.
Take care
14 June 2006 14:03
i think that they are acting and performing a big drama where the director is the us and zerkawi and oussama are only actors like those who speak little arabic in the hollywoodian movies my question is why oussama and zerkawi are appearing when the us lack for reason to attack the arab contries and they are like "marionettes" we are here ! we gave u reason to stary in iraq or to practice more discrimination on arab people abroad .
realy its discusting and make me wanna trow out of that degree of evilness
guys let me see what u think about that !
see u soon

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/14/2006 02:11 by wahid2006.
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