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Sound Sleep
25 December 2008 14:46
Even if we are Muslims, we could use any opportunity to wish each other the best of health and wealth.
Many years ago we used to have a visitor kind of cousin, used to come and stay for a few days. He used to snore terribly. My brothers and I used to tape him while he is sleeping making jokes loudly and he has no idea just snoring soundly different tunes depending on his position of his head.grinning smiley
As an adult I snore louder and louder, people next door made comments to my wife, her ladyship couldn’t let it go and accept she snores too but bought me as a present from “sidhom baba” noel a small machine that straps on the wrist to give a tinkle whenever the noise is above or near 65 db. Now I am taking offence to this spinning smiley sticking its tongue outI know anatomically why we snore I know it can only be reduced by CPAP machine (Continues Positive Airway Pressure), loss of weight, move to another room/ house or just the partner has to wear ear plugs.
Do you suffer from snoring? Does it disturb others in the room?
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
25 December 2008 16:08
Hi adds!
This sounds just like me. No need to say too much because you've said it all for me. The only consolation I can give you is that, there is a lot of people like you and me. Including our lovely wives except that we complain less. People never realize what a hump camel said to another hump camel, What a horrible hump you have got! Need i say more. Take no notice and live your life to the full. God Bless.
27 December 2008 05:57
If it is because of the extra weight? then why hold on dearly to the extra weight!? isn't it just extra weight anywayOh .... couldn't the outragious snoring be the sound of the alarm that something is not quite right either with the body or the mind...should we then just continue to ignore it, convincing ourselves that everything is cool....but please I beg you not to mind me so much! sometimes I just wonder as I wanderperplexe

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/27/2008 08:13 by Vagabondo.
28 December 2008 19:15
Easy said than done lose weightperplexe I am a berber was brought up to not loose anything on me.ptdr
My mama always said if you die fat at least the warms will have a good partysmiling smiley

I am waiting just till I will struggle to do up my laces to be alarmed; remind you I am not that fat really just muscly and big and can do with a few pounds of extras off. Zen
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
30 December 2008 22:32
Just out of curiosity

Why do men snore, and snore loudly?
30 December 2008 23:24
just like a baby crying for food, love and attentionptdrptdr

Not sure if you were about to tell me, or you were asking me. Hey I will tell you anyway.
The answer is, those thick lamp of fat combined with those muscles around the neck and the position of the head can restrict the airways and the trachea making sound when one breath out (if you blow up a balloon and restrict the air coming out of the outlet it will make aloud noise)
There are people who sound as if they are snoring while awake, these are generally speaking obese.
Snoring is an art how loud one can snore would take years of practice, hard work and sleepless night for others. The best one is when there is more than one good snorer in the room; it’s just like an orchestra they can snore in harmony. Shame her ladyship is always out of tune. tongue sticking out smiley
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
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