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Sport fans
12 June 2008 13:58
Since my childhood I have always loved sports, even when the means were very limited back home, I still managed to practice and watch several type of sport; especially those practiced in college and lycee including football.

Last night although I had to get up before seven I have been watching the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Competitions)till three in the morning now I am paying for it.
Since last year I have been practicing Karate, traditional Jujitsu, Brazilian Jujitsu, Thai boxing and mixed martial arts.
Anyone of you is sharing this passion for martial arts?
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12 June 2008 22:34
I can understand your passion for sports and especially Fighting sports because i was like you several years ago ... but when heatlh problems began ( knee and articulations problems ) i undestood that i had exagerated in practice.
I know now that knowlege is the best arm!!! so if i could give you an advice for that sports ,do not pracice them intensively otherwise your body will pay for that excess.Football
13 June 2008 10:16
All my mates are do cage fighting but I don't as you said I see their injuries that are of putting. I only practice to keep fit and lose weight as a cream on the cake self defence.
what sport interest you.
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