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je t'aime mais il faut le faire seul
2 December 2007 14:23
Our culture is outstanding when compared to Europeans or Americans or at least in our eyes; at times it could be unfair.
They have what is called tough love when bringing up children. People they learn from a very young age they have to stand up on their two feet and not being carried on peoples back till the feet touch the ground. What are your views would it work in Morocco? there is the luck of motivation in lots of people Males or females.

Adidas best
2 December 2007 14:34
2 December 2007 14:37
Bismillah arrâhman arrâhim Oh

miam miam ça donne l'eau à la boucheClap
2 December 2007 14:53
muslima de corse
Bismillah arrâhman arrâhim Oh

miam miam ça donne l'eau à la boucheClap

mdrrrrrr muslima t'es comme moi, on s'invite sans connaître les gens ni ce qu'on va manger (tm)
2 December 2007 15:16

Adidas not for all
2 December 2007 15:25

Adidas not for all

au secouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur je fais partie du menu evil
2 December 2007 15:38
D’accord, on est un peu gâter au Maroc je ne connais pas ca se fait dans les pays voisins. The only thing I know is that in Morocco we don’t have to move our butts if someone else are doing that already. D’une façon des l’âge de deux ans, nos parents ne nous apprennent pas d’être indépendant. Just because they don’t like us to suffer. Mais nous laisser souffrir un peu ne veut pas dire qu’ils nous n’aiment plus.

Adidas best
2 December 2007 17:06

Adidas not for all

au secouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur je fais partie du menu evil

MDR !!!!!!!!grinning smiley
La vie sur terre n'est qu'un test ! Barakallahoufik
2 December 2007 18:01

Adidas not for all

au secouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur je fais partie du menu evil

2 December 2007 18:02
D’accord, on est un peu gâter au Maroc je ne connais pas ca se fait dans les pays voisins. The only thing I know is that in Morocco we don’t have to move our butts if someone else are doing that already. D’une façon des l’âge de deux ans, nos parents ne nous apprennent pas d’être indépendant. Just because they don’t like us to suffer. Mais nous laisser souffrir un peu ne veut pas dire qu’ils nous n’aiment plus.

Adidas best

J C VanDamme, sors de ce corpssmoking smiley
2 December 2007 19:48
Did I lose my brain somewhere? I swear I can't understand how these posts and replies are related!moody smiley
2 December 2007 20:52
it is the way how you see things in life that let you apriciate them

Adidas under wear for best protection
3 December 2007 14:25
sleepingadidas are rubbish , Nike are bettersmoking smileythe post itself not clear need some adidas clearification
cest comme quelqu un : tayde9 wtaygoul shkoun au meme temps
the topic has the answer in itself sleeping anyway i am out of here Censored
3 December 2007 16:35
No man it has my opinion I am glad you like Nike; last time I saw moule Alwani wear Nike trainers. Adidas wear is a class on its own. One has to have a style and feel Adidas. Just stick to your Nike it’s more comfortable for you.

Are you one of these people who have an opinion on everything but never give one except criticize the postman? Try and keep to the subject in hand.

Adidas jalaba Best
3 December 2007 16:51
all people in morocco who wears adidas are brakna , the jokes in morocco are based on them , somehow it is proven who ever wears adidas , lacks intelligence perplexeand has two left feetevil
about this topic , it is not clear , and none of the previous members been able to comment because it is not clear , next time may be (tm)
4 December 2007 00:07
The lack of creation of been independent, children are staying at home longer. Our generations left home as early as seventeen or eighteen years old. I have noticed adults still living at home not married and have no intention of doing so either. The parents were treating them like teens. If they were a broad they would have kicked them out to stand up on their two feet; it is called the tough love.

Adidas feelings free from guilt
4 December 2007 11:13
well mr adidas , eviltough love won t work in an arab society simply because it is a society which doesn t base it s decison on logical thinking but on feelings , and emotions in addition to this known fact
in developped country when you throw your loved one to the street to face the world and get tougher and learn things they get help , they will be safe , i am talking at least financially , the state is there for them , by providing shelters , welfare services,few meals a day ,health service, monthly salaries until they will be able to stand on their own two feet , in Morocco if a family throws her son who is unemployed , where to ? what he will do in the total absence of any welfare or free educational system , or institutions where he could learn a skill, every mother or father won t be able to sleep at night if his son or her daughter is not under their wings , very sentimental , they care too much and of course some chilren take advantage of this , so the problem is the type of society we have , watch just our films , too much feelings , and lacks logique , even in our politics , when two dectators meets up , million hugs and kisses without any real concret decisions , look just when we try to go in a demonstration , the majority , are too sentimental , they burn things , shout very loud, rude , and uncivilised even destroying public property, just recently someone a beardy wrote a rumour that a gay mariage is taking place and what people did not comlpain in the police station or behave in a polite manner , expressing their objection in a civilised way , NO they atacked the house of these people , destroyed everything , like mafia and thugs , and they throw stones on them injuring a lot of people
and the truth was : it was just a party and not a gay mariageperplexeit has been confirmed by police investigation , this exemple illustrate exactly the degree of how sad , uncivilised is our society
they run after emotion and vague words and they don t use their brain.

mr adidas even you is a little emotional (tm)when you talk about adidas you talk in a sentimental way
emotion could be blinding sometimes , evilwinking smiley
5 December 2007 00:09
Dear Stardevil
Very good point about unemployed people; just I was talking about those with good jobs, teachers, Bank staff, Hospital workers and even police staff. Those living on the cheap are following the paralysing love of their parents.
Putting the love ones out into the street without any help is cruel one wouldn’t do it to animals. Allowing the love ones to grow up is something else. A grown up man, can’t fry an egg or just heat up his own meal has no comparison with the guys I used to go camping with. From an early age as nine or ten I could make bread and pancakes. When I was camping with my mates each one of us could make couscous on Friday easily. My parents taught me a bit the rest was an inner drive to learn and be independent.
Feelings and emotions vary from one person to the other. Some people cry in public others in private and some with tears and others without.
There is a kind of love that is crippling the personality of the individual from an early stage. When little, I used to fall and hurt my knee. Even if it was bleeding my dad (May he rest in peace) used to say with a big smile “its nothing, how are you going to be a footballer if you cry each time when you fall?”

I never made it as a footballer, but I never cry when I fall even if it hurt so much. Moatsitong said a man who falls and stand up, falls and stand he learns to fall and doesn’t get hurt anymore. Mate, its so true.
About Adidas comfort feeling is an art only those wearing the original items that experiences it. Nike is more a girly wear… hahahahaha.

Best wishes

Moroccan Alidas Best
5 December 2007 00:43
adds , i have seen with my own eyes one day bush wearing adidas and that put me of it , i took my adidas and burned it Clap,its definitely have a bad reputation lollllllNike is much more for smarter people with class and carisma (tm)
i don t think a real man should not cry , or feel ashamed to , men are human too , and tears are only emotions and a human thing nothing wrong with that
that s true some moroccans are spoilled they wake up in the morning , their mothers serve breakfast for them and they dont even bother to say thank you , that s called lack of discipline
we can t say this is a caracter of all moroccan s youth , there are tough people specially born in villages, since a young age they face a very tough life , normally the spoilled ones and the irresponsible are those born with a golden spoon in their mouth
what i don t like in moroccan society are the wingers and the moaners , there is a category of young people who keep winging and make excuses to be responsible , they blame everything on the economie , people with some creepy primary school level , demanding jobs from the governement , they think the governement needs to provide jobs for everyone , unemployment is a fact but there are ways and options , what is the point of spending the whole day sleeping and the whole night smoking and winging that ther is no future , if there is no jobs, people need to create their own jobs , but they are lazy they enjoy the easy life living with parents who provide everything for them , it is embarasing a 40 years old asking his mumy for money to buy cigarettes , very shameful , no dignity , or pride grinning smiley

adds wear nike and you will feel the difference , thats my advice palevil
5 December 2007 19:11
The origin of Adidas is in the Atlas Mountains in a Moroccan shoe factory, all the workers use to sit in cold weather “3ala das” on the concreted floor. This little boy was working there called Ali the boss used to shout “Ali das” at him each time the boy sat on a chair. The Americans misheard Alidas for Adidas and became a brand. Has your Nike a similar story “yallah a sidi”

Only women and children cry; real man cry only out of anger when I see another man wearing Korean Nike instead of Moroccan Adidas.
The children in the Atlas Mountains are suffering again from cold weather this year. What did the government do? Nothing
It is not the wealth that gives the inner drive to be someone, to have a vision for tomorrow and to prepare oneself to be responsible; in charge and in control of ones life but only with knowledge education and training that one can achieve that.
The government should in deed provide education first and insist on it then a variety of jobs and opportunities. They should plan the future not based on the number of tourist they will attract.

Some places up on the Riff, Atlas Mountains and down the south don’t have the basics of life such as water and toilets not alone schools.
I agree with they should not sleep and smoke but its very funny you and I here we are in our comfy chairs worrying about those few tens of millions in Morocco with no future, no money, no hope and not alive. As they say mahass bi almazwade ella limak7boute beh; no one can feel the load except the one that was hit with it.

Wear Adidas to remember Alidas
6 December 2007 01:06
mr alidas,
the story of alidas is very charming it reminds me of an other story famous in the arab world:
we invented the zeroevilapparently we are so proud we invented the zero that we love and enjoy being zero in everything, and the fact is the zero was invented first in india 5000 years ago , we love comforting ourselves with this kind of stories it s to do with our egos and laziness and always looking at the past and not forwrd , until one day we woke up : oh my god everyone is developped except us , everyone is inventing and contributing in technologie , science , economie , except us perplexe

i don t like to build a dark picture about morocco , like some people do who keep singing the song of pesimiste and death and a lot of them the objective is not to change thing to a better life but or some ethnics ideologie or religious goals , i don t think it s right to blame everything on the governements , people too are responsible , everyone need to start by himself first
i know a nd i have seen a lot of moroccan throwing rubbish everywhere even thery are few centimetres from a bin , moroccan in stadium turning into hooligans and destroying public properties , public garden , they kill any rose and unroot any plant , some people , breaking branches from trees m liming trees like monkeys an vandalising any tidy place, you talked about public toilet , i agree with you , not many are about , but the ones which existe , the doors , the sinks are missing
the tragedy is not in governement only but in the people too
i have a lot of respect of someone unemployed and go and start any little business even seling something in the street , thye main thing is to move and not be a useless human being , bullying his parents for couple dirhams

in developped countries they produce adidas the brand but in morocco we still have alidas , drisdas, mohadas , jilalidas, saidas, .....................No no so be careful you need to be thorough and pay attention what touch your toes perplexeNIKE ther is only one and only NIKE , QUALITY GUARANTEED FOR LIFE thumbs up
6 December 2007 17:10
Mr Nike
Yes I agree with you on trying to help themselves fist; I the start if you look back I was criticising those who do nothing. After thinking about it, under similar circumstances may be you and I could have ended like them even if I know from an early age I earned my pocket money. I managed to get jobs during the summer in central litière and Gervais ice cream factory. As a kid I had more money than I needed for sweet.
That was me under those circumstances and I had the right connections from an early age. When the number of unemployment is high and everyone is selling something the buyers become valuable. How much is that person selling pens or tissues are going to make?
You said it before; we have to create something that will employ thousands of people in every town and city. Let’s manufacture Adidas underwear and sell it o the American and the rest of the world. I can guaranty the immigration will be reversed.

Adidas best wishes are best
Adidas project
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