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teaching job opportunities in morocco
28 December 2007 13:22
hi everyone,

does any of you know of any job opportunities for teachers in morocco? i am a uk-trained secondary school teacher of modern foreign languages ( english, french, spanish, italian), currently working in London, and am daydreaming with a similar job in morocco. i guess i would have to work in a private school as my qualifications won't be acknowledged in the public sector, but how can i get in there? i've asked countless people about it but keep getting conflicting information. so if any of you has gone through this yet or knows of someone who has, can you please pass the information on?

many many thanks
29 December 2007 22:56

As a teacher myself, I've tryed many options abroad (US and UAE), and of cource...Morocco. The only offer I really got (a serious English teaching post offer) was in a private high school in Ajman, UAE which I declined (they offered me 3,000 UAE Dirhams for full time appointment - not more than £400 a month!!!). Well it took me only 2 weeks to find that... Didn't look further up...
The US is much more difficult as one needs local state accreditation which is not easy to gain unless you spent at least a year back to college...

I found an English position in Tangier last September but saddly, it was fullfield already on application. However, if it can be of any help for you, you should try this agency, based in the UK (they advertised the Moroccan position for a private English Curriculum in Tangier :

As per the public sector in Morocco, you would certainly be considered for employment, you should get in touch with the Moroccan Ministry of Education, I was told they was a lack of teachers in the English subject over there... But the starting salary is not so good as far as I know (roughly 4,000 Moroccan Dirhams per month : ).

Good luck..
23 January 2008 01:18
Salam alaykum All,

Here are some links that can be usefull



I think there are many multinational companies that are willing to hire someone with your linguistic qualification in case you are willing to change career (from teaching.

Anyway good luck
Allah yaawen
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