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Thinking about going back to continue my studies in Morocco
25 February 2010 14:52
Hello there, for the past few weeks I been thinking very deeply about going back to Morocco and go to college there, I'm about to finish High School soon, I also been thinking about attending Al akhawayn University, I heard that it's an American school, they use American books, and that sounds good, but please I need your opinion specially anyone who lived oversease and went back to Morocco, will it be a good idea to go back? or should I just go to college here in the United States? my reasons for going back is being close to my parents and also close to my friends and work for my country... Thank you everyone.
26 February 2010 15:41
al akhawayn university is one of the best universities in the world ,most of the students who get a degree from this university they have no problem finding a job in Morocco(specially in casablanca)
if you think you can afford the fees go for it why not , you will get a good qualification and in the same time you will be studying and enjoying being with your family
27 February 2010 15:19
Best universities in the "world"?says who?? i think u meant in Morocco
i wouldnt get back if i were u,i mean u went to high school in the US,it wouldnt be smart to get back n go to college in morocco even if its "alakhawayn" i heard lot of bad things about it wallahou a3lam
just be patient and go to school where u r just few years n u ll be done n get back n get a great job n be close to ur family and friends..
27 February 2010 16:43
unbelievable: what are the bad things you heard about al akhawayn university?????a degree from al akhawayn uni is more valuable in the moroccan job market than a degree from USA this is a fact
99% of teachers and management of al akhawayn university are known foreign professors who been selected thoroughly to maintain a high standard of education (most of them are PHD holders American and british )
some people are thinking that a degree from US will guarantee a job in morocco
Theorically this sounds logical
but if a person intends to work in Morocco companies always give priority to students who are qualified from two or three top private universities in the country

a degree from US is useful if you plan to work and live in US but if your future plans are to return and settle in Morocco the US degree is not worth the paper is written on
anyway thats my opinion and the decision is yours brother good luck Welcome

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/27/2010 04:46 by thetiger.
27 February 2010 16:52
@thetiger: Thank you so much for you opinion bro, I definitely agree with you, the things you are telling me most of the people I know of who lived overseas and went back to Morocco with their perhaps American dgree, or British, or wherever they attended university they quiet had a hard time finding a job in Morocco not all of them but some of them. But once again thank you so much for your opinion

@unbelievable: Hi, thank you so much for opinion as well, the only thing I want to know is what are the bad things you heard about al Akhawayn? Thanks in advance.
4 March 2010 19:36
This is the end of the world smiling smiley
Are you serious? you wana go back to Morocco and attend an American School in Morocco when you already live in USA???
Why don't you just go to American School in AMERICA??
Anyway if this is what you want, go ahead and have fun, Morocco is the best country in the world smiling smiley smiling smiley smiling smiley
and Al Akhawayn in the best university in the world smiling smiley smiling smiley smiling smiley

If you think that way, you deserve to go back to Morocco. No offense

:: chaïba sawfa ya3oud ::
4 March 2010 19:45
@Chaiba: First of all thank you for your opinion, but you probably didn't really read what I wrote above smiling smiley the reason why I want to go back to Morocco is that I wanna be close to my family and friends, and that is why I was asking, if is it a good school or notsmiling smiley, if I wanted to go to an American school here in the United States, I'll probably not even think about going back, but your opinion was just out of no where lol, no offense as you saidsmiling smiley, only question I was asking is, is it a good school or not? so if you do know about Alkhawayn or you lived oversease and you moved back to Morocco that will actually help me out, but if not probably you should not waste your time and read my post smiling smiley thanks anyways
4 March 2010 20:11
I'm too kind to watch you doing wrong thing and shut up smiling smiley
the point is not AL Akhawayn is good school or not, its way more complicated than that.
Before you think about your family and friends. think about your self and you future.
Your family and friends will proud of you if you get a prestigious degree and honorable job even if you are far from them.
And one day you will be fare from them, so let's be ready for that day.
You are probably too young to figure this out, but you have a chance that if a current student of al akhawayn has he will never think about al akhawayn.
Yes my subject is out of the point and my reaction is pretty rude, but this is not personal (I don't know you and you don't know me neither) but this is for the archive, so that others can benefit too smiling smiley

Yes if you have a degree from Al Akhawayn you will get a job in Casablanca. As if your last name is Ben XXX you will have it. But can you compete internationally with a degree from al Akhawayn? this is what you should think about.

And for your information, lot of people from Al Akhawayn tend to look for job abroad.
So lets ask them what they think.
:: chaïba sawfa ya3oud ::
6 March 2010 04:00
Well, my brother was in AUI, and he have a bachelor now.

Al Akhawayn university is a good university. But it's still an university in Morroco. There will a lot of BS situation there...

But it's the country, not the university.

My advice would be to go there as an exchange student. Start in the US, and ask about the exchange program.

You will get a better degree in the US. Recognized all over the world and common... In Morroco it will be special.

And to get a job in Morroco, they will ask for two things, skills or contacts. Good jobs are like a privilege over here... Dont lie to yourself.

You know people, you get a job, you dont know anyone, you get what your skills are worth on the market. And there is plenty of skill people on the Morrocan market...

Once again, my advice, exchange for fun and family and study abroad.
6 March 2010 14:52
where in the US do you live? which state? and what's your major?

i think you're way too young to make such a decision ... c'mon you're still in high school, right?

go to college ... try 'ivy league' ... and once you're done, you can always go back to your roots ...
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10 March 2010 14:29
Al Akhawayn was a good university when it first started but hasn't lived up to its early reputation. My advice for you is to get into a good university in the US, get your degree(s), and then go find a job anywhere in the world.

11 March 2010 08:01
Hello there, for the past few weeks I been thinking very deeply about going back to Morocco and go to college there, I'm about to finish High School soon, I also been thinking about attending Al akhawayn University, I heard that it's an American school, they use American books, and that sounds good, but please I need your opinion specially anyone who lived oversease and went back to Morocco, will it be a good idea to go back? or should I just go to college here in the United States? my reasons for going back is being close to my parents and also close to my friends and work for my country... Thank you everyone.
This is one of the signs of the end of the world.
12 March 2010 02:19
That is a lovely idea perhaps you might do your military service over there too. Why not? Of course you want to help and feel you have so much to give. We aren not going to mention that if things go wrong you have you parents to fall back onto; we will keep that one quiet.
Sure you will find a job easily with a degree and your background you will find no problem finding one. May be you could even start your own business like helping cows to fly. ptdr
Seriously are you serious?go back on holiday to see your love ones and think twice before deciding anything.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
12 March 2010 13:50
not everyone is the same , or come from the same social class, and not everyone immigrate to USA to earn a living and escape starvation and popverty winking smiley
of course those who s families are scrubbing the bottom of the barrel in morocco have the same mentalities as the above Coolwinning the green card lottery is the ultimate dream for them and once they leave Morocco(hell in their opinion) they never return

but those who come from a rich background USA is nothing , living near their families worth everything

it s a class thing grinning smileyevil
12 March 2010 13:57
Of course it's a social class thing...

But still... it's more on the individual as anything else...

There is poor people who dont think that Morroco is hell...

Like there is rich people who think that Morroco is hell...

They use different words for sure, but it's just to use the words your used.

For me, Morroco isnt hell... but it's not paradise neither. My family is alright, I can live in Morroco, and sleep the whole year... and still make a decent living...

But I just dont want that. I'm in France now, and I want to be fully independant. I want to take some distance too... Not too much, but some... I want to be free and independant. from bad things... but from good things too. I think that if you get used to the easy life... You grow soft...

It's a mater of survival. So I share both views... Morroco is a real hell and... it's also a real paraside...
12 March 2010 14:06
Sure you will find a job easily with a degree and your background you will find no problem finding one. May be you could even start your own business like helping cows to fly. ptdr
Seriously are you serious?go back on holiday to see your love ones and think twice before deciding anything.

you crack me up!
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12 March 2010 14:12
Well, to be fair...

Cows can fly since medieval times...

Roting cow corpses were used as "chemical" weapons in the past. You take a rotting corpse, animal or human... Put it on a catapult or trebuchet... And then your throw it on the enemy ranks/fortifications.

The smell is terrible... Hard to clean... and it's very good to destroy the moral of defending troops.
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