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17 April 2006 22:43
This is very disturbing, this time it's the UK boys, as these guys seem to shoot at people for fun. I looked at the video several times and couldn’t find any threat or reason what so ever for these criminal acts.
Poor Iraqis, if they're not killed by Terrorists and/or insurgents, they are killed by troops, Massakine!!!


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/18/2006 07:10 by almotanabi.
18 April 2006 20:01
Commettre un meurtre amène toujours à la folie.
georges orwell
19 April 2006 02:07
where is the video ?

i did watch like 3 months ago , a video of these private security guard shooting at cars on the iraqi roads , is it the same video you talking about ?

ps : i can find it for you guys ,in fact there are 2 differents videos about those mercenaries shooting at cars .
19 April 2006 08:59
I'm sorry something went wrong with it and it's no longer there.
Obs2006, if you could find it, please do as I think it's good for others to see.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/2006 08:09 by almotanabi.
19 April 2006 17:22
i published these videos in an another forum in 11/28/2005

A "trophy" video appearing to show security guards in Baghdad randomly shooting Iraqi civilians has sparked two investigations after it was posted on the internet, the Sunday Telegraph can reveal.

videos 1:


video 2 :


A new, 27-second video, which is accompanied by the Elvis Presley song That's All Right (Mama), shows a civilian car being attacked by security contractors, who open fire with a machine gun.

The company is already being investigated by the American military over whether any of its personnel were involved in similar shooting incidents captured in a series of other "trophy videos", first revealed by the Sunday Telegraph.

Ce ne sont pas des americains mais des brits qui travaille pour une compagnie privee
( ecossais,irelandais,anglais)

those mofo were bored i guess .

this how those mercenaries SUV looks like :


Enjoy !
19 April 2006 20:16
Thank you Obs2006, I'm not sure about enjoy, though, may be vomit, scream or pull your hair would do…
Take care,
19 April 2006 22:58
you right s more vomit than enjoy ..
19 April 2006 23:09
wait a minute look at this :

take the same and reverse the situation grinning smiley

Broadcast: 29/09/2005
Graphic video has emerged of an insurgent attack on a convoy in Iraq earlier this year . The video was shot by a dash-mounted camera in Mr Ahmelman's car, and given to Lateline by Time Magazine in Australia.

After Action Report for Incident on BIAP Hwy (Edinburgh Risk)

here is the video :
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