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I'm tired of this insecurity!
28 April 2006 17:02

thiefs in morocco don't have gun so you can fight him!!!!

Let me explain you something :

i can leave my door open in america , and believe it or no , i always forget to lock my door lol .

If you catch a thief trying to sneak into your house , you can shoot him with your gun .

Un voleur au maroc , s il rentre dans une maison a minuit , il sait deja que personne n a de pistolet dans la maison , et que la police ne viendra pas sur le champ .

I still feel safe here than morocco .

You better have a janeouiya under your pillow , and if they are more than 1 guy , i wish you good luck .
29 April 2006 15:46
I grow up in Moroccco, i never had a bad experience, I have never seen a gun in my life. in USA buying a gn is like buying a slice of pizza, so i guess there is a big difference.

Obs2006: you mentioned your selv carrying a MP3 or a camera, you can just avoid that, so nobody will rip you off.

i know derb sultan Maarif and derb ghallef very much so i am very safe there that USA. I can´t walk alone at night or even drive in USA. I can in Marocco. if course if you pass by derb sultan midnight with a camera on your neck so you looking to be robbed.. but like missdoll said they wont kill you.

but in USA you can very easy get shot by a drug addict or gang member just because you where there.

allah yester we have some wild young in Morocco but the gouverment is new to that so reaction will come one day soon.
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