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I'm tired of this insecurity!
1 April 2006 07:45
I know i already posted this message to general by i want my brothers and sisters who can not read french to read my terrible story
Since i loved the first movie of Ice age i really didnt want to miss the second one i was just waiting for the new released well as you know the second movie was released today so i went to mall to check it out.
As you know every friday night the movies are crowded like anything because of high school guys kids ...generally young i got my tickets and everything.Then they announced that all tickets of movie of 8h45 were sold(mine was at 9h15)seeing that i had about 25 min before teh movie starts i decided to go out side walk a little bite with my husband go check out new books in Barnes and nobles than when i was about to get to the exit i realised that people were runninh toward us i didnt understand why!we though because all tickets were sold people were running to get good seats in theaters. but then i've seen that people were shouting losing their shoes sandanles hats we went to check out what was going on(cuz of course no one will stop to tell us what was going on) then we heard gunshot just few meters from us i was so terrified scared so we just ran til the exit then we ran toward Barnes and noble and just stay there!
i'm still shaking right now !never heard a gun shot before.
i just miss my parents!family!country where i can feel secured!
I hate this country
thank you Allah for your Mercy on us

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/05/2006 04:27 by Ex-missdoll.
10 April 2006 16:39
where did this happen?
sound scary indeed.
10 April 2006 19:05
where did this happen?
sound scary indeed.
that was in Greater Cincinnati (in Newport) but alhamdoulah I overcame it smiling smiley
11 April 2006 01:39
In every country there is kind of insecurity
Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. Russell Baker
11 April 2006 09:48
That’s horrible!

But take it easy and remember no one can escape her/his destiny….

take care
11 April 2006 10:25
Dear ex-missdoll
I can really understand your feeling. It happend twice to me.
Once in Westwood, Los Angeles A shooting between police and drugs dealers. I was with some french friends in Café casino when the shooting started, we were scared to hell, we all hided under the tables.
And once in South lake (in Atlanta) late in the night.
One should think about the Irakis and particularly in Baghdad, I do not know about the consequences of all this violence, shooting, bombs, ...etc.....Hell on earth
11 April 2006 19:55
Dear ex-missdoll
I can really understand your feeling. It happend twice to me.
Once in Westwood, Los Angeles A shooting between police and drugs dealers. I was with some french friends in Café casino when the shooting started, we were scared to hell, we all hided under the tables.
And once in South lake (in Atlanta) late in the night.
One should think about the Irakis and particularly in Baghdad, I do not know about the consequences of all this violence, shooting, bombs, ...etc.....Hell on earth

I can imagine how horrible was it!
Well thats what we call destiny smiling smiley we have to be patient !
11 April 2006 21:48
Iwa 3la slama! smiling smiley
11 April 2006 22:03
Iwa 3la slama! smiling smiley

lay selmek smiling smiley
14 April 2006 06:51
welcome to america sweety, I had been aimed by a pistol from a racist redneck once

but somebody came and he was horrified to be reported so he went out.

shot gun ? are you sure ? because those are not for consumption ! they are bonded items and are to be used only for federal / military purposes
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
14 April 2006 21:49
welcome to america sweety, I had been aimed by a pistol from a racist redneck once

but somebody came and he was horrified to be reported so he went out.

shot gun ? are you sure ? because those are not for consumption ! they are bonded items and are to be used only for federal / military purposes

no bro it was a real gunshot!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/16/2006 03:20 by Ex-missdoll.
15 April 2006 19:57
to ex miss doll

do you remember when i told you last time that curiosity killed the cat ?

I hope you learned your lesson this time .
Insecurity is everywhere if you don't use common sense .
21 April 2006 08:33
Wow, it all sounds cool and dandy till you hear this.
I use to work at a gas station till I got robbed at gun point, it wasn't a joke the guy wasn't strong out and he needed money till this every time i remembered it gives me the chills. second time was when two black men rushed towards me and a friend of mine as he was making sure i was leaving safely from his appartment , they robbed him but good thing i had my cell on emergency dial up ..
it definitly changes your life , now i'm more carefull , i watch my surroundings , quit that job and moved from that area . i would rather pay more and feel safer than have to wonder if a bullet is gonna hit you from some crazy crank head.
but i still believe that us as a muslim community we believe in detiny an once your time is out it's out .
on the other hand there is nothing wrong with trying to be safe. ny suggestion do like i did move to a white neighbourhood... just kidding nah really you never know . one of the guys said that he was jumbed by some redneck , so you really can't start profiling
21 April 2006 16:13
Wow, it all sounds cool and dandy till you hear this.
I use to work at a gas station till I got robbed at gun point, it wasn't a joke the guy wasn't strong out and he needed money till this every time i remembered it gives me the chills. second time was when two black men rushed towards me and a friend of mine as he was making sure i was leaving safely from his appartment , they robbed him but good thing i had my cell on emergency dial up ..
it definitly changes your life , now i'm more carefull , i watch my surroundings , quit that job and moved from that area . i would rather pay more and feel safer than have to wonder if a bullet is gonna hit you from some crazy crank head.
but i still believe that us as a muslim community we believe in detiny an once your time is out it's out .
on the other hand there is nothing wrong with trying to be safe. ny suggestion do like i did move to a white neighbourhood... just kidding nah really you never know . one of the guys said that he was jumbed by some redneck , so you really can't start profiling

I can imagine how hard was it to face that but you know brother the thing is that I dont live in a black neighbourhood and you know I've almost never seen any black hungout out in our neighborhood.The thing is at that time when we went to the movies it was the release of a new black movie ATL I think and all black people from the city came to see it grinning smiley you see what I mean? because usually you wont find that much black in that area.
anyway I hope that feel much better now after 2 bad experiences .smiling smiley
22 April 2006 03:31
salam alikoum,
Something similair happend to me last year, we were in the class room when all of sudden we heard the security guy asking everybody to close the doors and stay inside, what happend is 2 kids (15,16 y old) were fighting and one of them had a gun and he started shouting. I was really scared after only 5 min the police was there and 2 channels tv were there too and I was like... oh my gosh it's really serious!!!we stayed inside for like 2 hours thanks god we were all safe.
22 April 2006 09:13
goodmorning everybodygrinning smiley!!!

your histories get me afraid!!! It is easy to get arms in usa than in europ!!!

In morocco, in the worst case you get injured with a knife!!!

hasta lavista!!
27 April 2006 19:36
well...i ve been living in america for a long time...and to tell the truth ..i feel more secure in here than morocco...i don't know about the other cities but where i live the crime rate is not as high as the other cities...
at least the cops in here are doing their job the right way ....back home..god help us..u call them up..they show up very late !!!!
27 April 2006 19:42
well...i ve been living in america for a long time...and to tell the truth ..i feel more secure in here than morocco...i don't know about the other cities but where i live the crime rate is not as high as the other cities...
at least the cops in here are doing their job the right way ....back home..god help us..u call them up..they show up very late !!!!

you are right about cops in morocco but at least people cant get guns so easily.
My point is that even if I dont hang out in downtown( where the rate of crime is high) I had to face that horrible experience in the place where i use to feel secure to go watch a movie(the mall) .
27 April 2006 19:49
well...i ve been living in america for a long time...and to tell the truth ..i feel more secure in here than morocco...i don't know about the other cities but where i live the crime rate is not as high as the other cities...
at least the cops in here are doing their job the right way ....back home..god help us..u call them up..they show up very late !!!!

i agree with you frankf , i ve never had any problem so far , even in the middle of the night .
27 April 2006 19:53
well...i ve been living in america for a long time...and to tell the truth ..i feel more secure in here than morocco...i don't know about the other cities but where i live the crime rate is not as high as the other cities...
at least the cops in here are doing their job the right way ....back home..god help us..u call them up..they show up very late !!!!

i agree with you frankf , i ve never had any problem so far , even in the middle of the night .

you are lucky brother and may allah protect you.
thats what I used to say when I used to watch news and see the crimes ....
but french people were right when they said : Ca narrive pas qu'aux autres.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2006 07:54 by Ex-missdoll.
27 April 2006 19:57
let me just give you an exemple you are in a gas station and a person point a gun at you take you walet and then shot you! what will the copes do? that will be to late by the time they'll be there you'll be dead.
27 April 2006 20:17
let me just give you an exemple you are in a gas station and a person point a gun at you take you walet and then shot you! what will the copes do? that will be to late by the time they'll be there you'll be dead.

gas station or taxi driver have been always the most dangerous job in america ...why ?

because you carry cash , and any lunatic or drug addict will try to rip you off .

personaly comparing casa and overhere , i am scared to be assaulted in casa specialy if i have an mp3 player or a camera hanging around my neck .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2006 08:19 by Obs2006.
27 April 2006 20:23
let me just give you an exemple you are in a gas station and a person point a gun at you take you walet and then shot you! what will the copes do? that will be to late by the time they'll be there you'll be dead.

gas station or taxi driver have been always the most dangerous job in america ...why ?

because you carry cash , and any lunatic or drug addict will try to rip you off .

moi si je compare la securite entre casablanca et ici , i am scared to be assaulted in casa because i have an mp3 player or a camera hanging around my neck .

I didnt say 'if you are working in a gas station' .
I said imagine you are there to put the gas in your car!you can stop going to a gas station otherwise you wont eb able to drive your car!!

at least in casablanca you wont get killed.they migh harm you but wont kill(avec un sang froid comme on dit!)I prefer getting riped off than killed.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2006 08:26 by Ex-missdoll.
28 April 2006 02:14
chere soeur ex miss doll

what are the odds of being shoot at while pumping at a gas station ?

what are the odds of being assaulted in derb soltane or maarif while carrying shoping bags ?

with a janeouiya longer than washington bridge .

une anecdote : c est des statistiques que j avais lu y a quelque temps de cela :

un voleur qui vous stoppe pour votre argent .
10% des voleurs qui sont instruits peuvent vous faire mal ( couteau/gun)
60% des voleurs non instruits ou minimum education peuvent vous faire mal (couteau/gun)

en conclusion , plus la personne est sous instruit et plus elle est dangereuse .

from what i know ,there a more illetrate people in morocco than the states , do you see my point ?
28 April 2006 15:04

un voleur qui vous stoppe pour votre argent .
10% des voleurs qui sont instruits peuvent vous faire mal ( couteau/gun)
60% des voleurs non instruits ou minimum education peuvent vous faire mal (couteau/gun)

en conclusion , plus la personne est sous instruit et plus elle est dangereuse .

from what i know ,there a more illetrate people in morocco than the states , do you see my point ?

I got your point but dont agree with it cuz as you said : "PEUVENT vous FAIRE MAL" they wont go til killingh for a simple bag! they migh harm as I said but wont kill.

in morocco you dont hear every 5min in news that another person had been killed.

Americans are scared, and they are angry. The scary orgy of violent crime has made average citizens afraid to walk the streets in front of their homes. And this fear has fueled a public cry to end the killing fields in America. Americans have had enough, and they want to know why known criminals were let back out on the streets so they could kill Polly Klaas and James Jordan.

In America, the crime clock continues to click: one murder every 22 minutes, one rape every 5 minutes, one robbery every 49 seconds, and one burglary every 10 seconds. And the cost of crime continues to mount: $78 billion for the criminal justice system, $64 billion for private protection, $202 billion in loss of life and work, $120 billion in crimes against business, $60 billion in stolen goods and fraud, $40 billion from drug abuse, and $110 billion from drunk driving. When you add up all the costs, crime costs Americans a stunning $675 billion each year.

In addition to the financial cost is the psychological cost of devastated lives and a loss of security. In recent months, even apathetic Americans have been shaken from their false sense of security as they have seen criminals invade nearly every sanctuary where they felt they were safe: their cars (James Jordan); their public transit (the Long Island Rail Road murders by Colin Ferguson); and even their bedrooms (the abduction of Polly Klaas).

check out this link []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/28/2006 04:04 by Ex-missdoll.
28 April 2006 15:52
people don't have arm in morocco!!!

chere soeur ex miss doll

what are the odds of being shoot at while pumping at a gas station ?

what are the odds of being assaulted in derb soltane or maarif while carrying shoping bags ?

with a janeouiya longer than washington bridge .

une anecdote : c est des statistiques que j avais lu y a quelque temps de cela :

un voleur qui vous stoppe pour votre argent .
10% des voleurs qui sont instruits peuvent vous faire mal ( couteau/gun)
60% des voleurs non instruits ou minimum education peuvent vous faire mal (couteau/gun)

en conclusion , plus la personne est sous instruit et plus elle est dangereuse .

from what i know ,there a more illetrate people in morocco than the states , do you see my point ?
28 April 2006 15:58
Let me explain you something :

i can leave my door open in america , and believe it or no , i always forget to lock my door lol .

If you catch a thief trying to sneak into your house , you can shoot him with your gun .

Un voleur au maroc , s il rentre dans une maison a minuit , il sait deja que personne n a de pistolet dans la maison , et que la police ne viendra pas sur le champ .

I still feel safe here than morocco .
28 April 2006 16:05
I dont have a gun brother grinning smiley hihihi neither know how to use it Angel

Let me explain you something :

i can leave my door open in america , and believe it or no , i always forget to lock my door lol .

If you catch a thief trying to sneak into your house , you can shoot him with your gun .

Un voleur au maroc , s il rentre dans une maison a minuit , il sait deja que personne n a de pistolet dans la maison , et que la police ne viendra pas sur le champ .

I still feel safe here than morocco .
28 April 2006 16:11
thiefs in morocco don't have gun so you can fight him!!!!

Let me explain you something :

i can leave my door open in america , and believe it or no , i always forget to lock my door lol .

If you catch a thief trying to sneak into your house , you can shoot him with your gun .

Un voleur au maroc , s il rentre dans une maison a minuit , il sait deja que personne n a de pistolet dans la maison , et que la police ne viendra pas sur le champ .

I still feel safe here than morocco .
28 April 2006 16:26
thiefs in morocco don't have gun so you can fight him!!!!

Let me explain you something :

i can leave my door open in america , and believe it or no , i always forget to lock my door lol .

If you catch a thief trying to sneak into your house , you can shoot him with your gun .

Un voleur au maroc , s il rentre dans une maison a minuit , il sait deja que personne n a de pistolet dans la maison , et que la police ne viendra pas sur le champ .

I still feel safe here than morocco .

You better have a janeouiya under your pillow , and if they are more than 1 guy , i wish you good luck .
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