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Tourism in Morocco
17 May 2006 22:03
It's a little disconcerting when your grown up kids just return from a fortnight's holiday in Tunisia and declare that it is ''loads better then Morocco'' - cleaner and in general much more tourist- orientated. (Cheaper too!) How can Morocco get it's act together and begin to compete?
18 May 2006 21:19
by sending some moroccans out their to learn from our brothers in Tunisia.
and yes i agree that it's a bit disconcwrting, but please continue encouraging your kids to visit morocco, too.
19 May 2006 05:51
hi everyone,

I agree with you volvan…Tunisia is ahead in tourism development and hard for Morocco to compete with even we’ve got much more elements that could make our country a better destination such as the diversity of its nature (mountains, Atlantic & Mediterranean, desert….ect ) ….richer history with different interesting costumes and traditions not to forget the population….. but it’s not happening …we still straggling…. not able to get more than 3 millions tourists a year(in spain 3 million is nr of visitors in a month in some areas)…. I think the reason is the fact that Tunisia is much more opener to the western inventors than we are …..the Tunisian government accepted many conditions to get as much investors as the country can receive taking advantage of the infrastructure, the job opportunities and the whole economical benefits related to tourists incoming…in our country a lot of people will explain it as exploitation, colonisation and invasion of the western worldeye rolling smiley ….forgetting that the tourism is a very important activity for the national economy and it’s a tough and a high competitive industry … if our country doesn’t accept many will do….and the consequences is what you’ve seen…….
19 May 2006 10:19
Yes I agree. I personally have never been to Tunisia but several of my family have and have all liked it. It's a real shame as you say - as Morocco has so much to offer. The first time we took some of my family over with us to Morocco the first thing that greeted us when we went to the beach was piles of rubbish including loads of broken beer bottles and the ''piece de resistance'' - a huge dead rat! Having said that - the kids did like Agadir.
30 May 2006 18:42
I don't understand why we would be unfriendly to Taiwanese....

2006-05-30 19:56:05

Taipei, May 30 (CNA) Officials from the Executive Yuan's Consumer Protection Commission (CPC) called on Taiwan travelers Tuesday to be extra careful if they are planning to visit Morocco.

They made the call in the wake of a number of cases in which Taiwan passengers with valid bookings were not allowed to board planes at the Casablanca Airport, which they claimed "obviously" involved discrimination against Taiwan passengers.

There have also been cases in which Taiwan passengers were not allowed to board planes because they did not have visas for countries they would only transit through, the officials said, claiming that this might be "a trick" used by Moroccan airport staff to seek bribes from passengers.

To avoid such problems, CPC officials suggested that travelers prepare transit visas even if the concerned countries do not ask for such visas.

The officials urged travelers to call Taiwan's trade center in Casablanca at 2122-2276224 if they encounter trouble in Morocco.

Also, travelers can register their travel plans on the Web site of the Bureau of Consular Affairs before setting off to facilitate assistance by the government in case of an emergency, they said.

As another option, they can ask their friends or relatives in Taiwan to ring up the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' emergency center at 0800-085-078, they added.

(By Y.F. Low)

31 May 2006 10:20
One of our big problems is an uneducated population.
While I was working in Morocco, I had the chance to meet one of the officials in Sidi Bouzid beach south of El Jadida. During our discussion about the dirt etc.... I suggested as a short term solution is to organize a cleaning day or a cleaning weekend in all Morocco. I thought this can be a good starting event which make people sensitive for clean cities, and beaches etc.... He said
Krim you are not in Germany. I replied that germans are educated and do not need to organize a cleaning day.It is everyday.....
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