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22 July 2006 22:33
Salam all,

Can someone please translate the following sentences in Darija and plain Arabic of the Middle-East?

'You have hurt me.'
'You have hurt them.'
'He's in pain.'

I would really appreciate it if someone can translate those sentences. Thanks in advance!


22 July 2006 23:19
I can help with darija but al fos7a is out of my league :

'You have hurt me.' : oua3atini
'You have hurt them.' : oua3atihoum
'He's in pain.' : m'oua3at
23 July 2006 10:57
Thanks Chelhman.

I heard someone saycrying7raktini.' That person used the Arabic word for 'fire' as a metaphor for 'pain'. Is that also correct?

Is here someone who knows modern Arabic and who can translate the above sentences for me?


23 July 2006 14:07
yes , also correct

another variants : derritini, allamtini

I will try plain arabic:

'You have hurt me.' : Lakad Adrarta bia
'You have hurt them.' : Alhakta addarara bihom
'He's in pain.' : Innaho mouta'allim

(they may be more variants depending also on the context)
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
23 July 2006 17:51
Salam all,

Can someone please translate the following sentences in Darija and plain Arabic of the Middle-East?

'You have hurt me.'
'You have hurt them.'
'He's in pain.'

I would really appreciate it if someone can translate those sentences. Thanks in advance!



darija :

'You have hurt me.' : jra7tini (if you are emotionaly hurt)
'You have hurt them.': jra7tihoum
'He's in pain.: majrou7, m9assa7, medrour, m2alam,
31 July 2006 01:40
Excellent Ex-missdoll. When you say you hurt me, or you hurt them. There are different translation for it in Arabic, depending on if you were hurted emotionally or physicaly.
In Moroccan darija we use the word jra7tini , for the emotionally.
He´s in pain : kayt2ellem
Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. Russell Baker
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